View Full Version : Is anyone else taking SSRI and PPI meds?

09-06-13, 21:27
Im so scared as ive read about a major interaction occuring between citalopram and ppi tablets. Im on esomeprozole and citalopram and have been for about a year. When i found out about the interaction and the affects it can have in the heart when taken together, I stopped the esomeprozole.... BUT my acid reflux has come back really bad and i have to take it again. I take 20mgs esomeprozole and 10mgs citalopram at the moment but am scared to death. My GP hadnt even heard of the interaction and said he prescribes higher doses all the time and as long as you dont go over a certain amount its ok... another dr i asked also had no idea. The FDA announced this a couple of years ago :(

I NEED both meds. I dont know what to do. It says if you get a fast heart rate, palpitations and dizziness to get to a dr asap - well I get all that on and off it?!!

Anyone else take a PPI and SSRI med? I need some reassurance or something right now...


10-06-13, 07:04
No one? X

10-06-13, 09:51
The PPI which is recommended should not be taken with citalopram is nexium, I remember reading about that. For the others it's says take with caution and report any irregular heart beats. I would print out what it says and take it to your Doctor. You'll find the info on a drug interaction site.

It scares me to death sometimes how little the GPs know about this sort of thing. I've noticed on my omeprazole it says something about diazepam but my GP never mentioned that. I looked on the Internet and it takes longer for the diazepam to get out of your system when on a PPI, I think it was something to do with the liver.

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 ----------

When you stopped taking the esomeprazole did you get any rebound acid? I'm on omeprazole and want to stop taking it so I can have a test for h pylori, my GP said I need to stop the PPI so they can get a clear result.

I've tried reducing it in stages but the acid is so bad I can't manage without it. I've read that stopping PPIs can cause terrible rebound acid in some people that is worse than what they were originally given the drug for.

I'm just interested to know what happened when you stopped taking it.
