View Full Version : Black Spot Inside My Cheek

09-06-13, 21:30
So I've been posting about my headache problem this past week but now tonight I've found something new to worry about...!! I found a black spot on the inside of my cheek when I was brushing my teeth and I'm freaking out. I hadn't noticed it before I have no idea how long it's been there for but I think I would've noticed it had it been there so it must've appeared fairly recently.

I'm scared it looks like a melanoma - it's black, flat, doesn't hurt. It does feel a bit bumpy when I run my tongue over it. I don't smoke, drink occasionally, don't do drugs or anything like that. I haven't bitten my cheek or anything that would've caused a blood blister. What the heck? Anyone else ever had this happen?

Am not registered with a dentist am not sure if I should go to a doctor and show it to him.

09-06-13, 21:32
It sounds like a blood blister to me. Maybe you have bitten the inside of your mouth when you have been eating. It should go away soon. I have had them before.

10-06-13, 23:20
It does sound like a blood blister.

I remember one day sitting at work and thinking my mouth felt odd. I ran to the loo to check and there were 2 dark spots close together on the inside of my cheek. I hadn't been eating anything and had no idea where they had come from.

One burst quite quickly. ..the other lasted a day or two.

You can get them without knowing what could have caused them.