View Full Version : Lymphoma overdrive.

09-06-13, 22:31

Ok. Fear of lymphoma for a while. I prod about looking for lumps. I had a small one on neck and GP said was nothing at all.
2weeks ago I find lump in groin. Possibly size of 1 or 2 peas.
Obviously soar from my prodding.
Prior to this lump I had routine bloods. GP said Iron was slightly low but I wasn't anaemic. He said nothing to worry about.
I have a 5yr old and 10month old, work full time and therefore always shattered.
I have had occasional night sweat since birth of my youngest but not enough to change sheets etc.
I find that I have constant colds.
I've recently had pain in neck and jaw.
I itch my skin a lot but don't know if this is psychological.

Scared of going to GP as they won't believe me.

Any thoughts xx

Please x

09-06-13, 22:39
Hi panic person . I know exactly how you feel I have been too numerous gps who have said " you don't have lymphoma " yet I still can't believe them . It's crazy !

I actually spoke to an oncologist online who said lymphoma lumps are huge with rapid growth so I wouldn't worry too much about yours ! And as for the night sweats I think lymphoma associated ones are most definitely sheet changing . I had them a couple of months ago accompanied by itching you can imagine the state I was in , apparently it was all anxiety related !

hope you feel better soon :)


10-06-13, 06:01
Do you still believe you have it, or has the doctors now convinced you?
That's reassuring re the oncologist, thanks!
You just wouldn't put itching down as anxiety would u!? That's what I find hard.
Really appreciate your reply thank you x

10-06-13, 11:20
No worries !Yes I still believe I have it , crazy !
although the doctor stated that after 16 months my lymph nodes would be " huge " by now so I am feeling re assured .
also gained weight ( which I'm not happy about ) but still makes me feel a bit at ease !
it's amazing what anxiety can do ! I find I always get itchy after I have a huge panic spell !
lasts for a few days or so !
I wish I could see into the future to find out If I will ever get over this !

10-06-13, 19:17
Yeah I wish we could as well.
I am completely convinced I have it. I can't think of other explanations. I thought I had it prior to the lump.
I've booked in with GP for a week and a halfs time. I swear they see me at least once a month!!! I also thought I could feel one in my collarbone today. Maybe I should stop feeling around for it x

11-06-13, 01:05
How long have you thought you have had it ? To the normal person it would seem crazy that I am convinced I have it by a year and a half but I Just can't train my mind to think about it !
My gp told me stop feeling around it does make the swell .
Hope everything going okay at your gp and let me know how you get on :)
No doubt I will be visiting mine soon !!

12-06-13, 22:52
I've had lymphoma worries since jan time. I had a health scare in December and once I got the all clear I was great.... At first!! I don't actually know where it came from, but think it was probably night sweats which I googled!! I only have these now and then. If I listed all my symptoms I'd fill up the whole page. Just difficult to know what is pain and what is anxiety x

19-06-13, 09:19
I've had lymphoma worries since jan time. I had a health scare in December and once I got the all clear I was great.... At first!! I don't actually know where it came from, but think it was probably night sweats which I googled!! I only have these now and then. If I listed all my symptoms I'd fill up the whole page. Just difficult to know what is pain and what is anxiety x

completely agree it is difficult to distinguish between pain and anxiety.

i cant get my anxiety to reduce enough in order to find out if i actually have genuine pain!!

20-06-13, 01:16
Yep I'm with you on that. Although at times in the past I've had a good week or so and then as soon as I get a little ache/feeling/pain, then anxiety is full on!!!
I'm out this weekend but dreading it and I'm not sure why. I think the thought of being away from google/forums etc, will be hard for me x

20-06-13, 09:35
I can understand that. Every time I need to be away for a few days, my anxiety level will increase. I prefer to be in my comfort zone.

20-06-13, 10:43
I think you are really just suffering from stress, and possibly lack of sleep. There are no alarm bells to suggest lymphoma, although if you ask for a check up and routine bloods it should put your mind at ease.

27-06-13, 11:14
I survived the weekend away but anxiety is back!!!
Still prodding my lymph nodes and still convinced I have lymphoma and no one is believing me x

27-06-13, 11:26
I survived the weekend away but anxiety is back!!!
Still prodding my lymph nodes and still convinced I have lymphoma and no one is believing me x

so what are yours like?

Mine are around the underneath of my jaw, near my ears and feel like peas. they change in size but have been quite small the past few days.

Originally i had sharp ear pains but they have gone now.

I have a stiffness in the back of my neck when i touch my chin to chest.

I also have 2 pea size lumps like pearls on the left side of my neck which have not changed in size or anything since the beginning. I have to feel for a while before i can find them.

I also have a lump above my collarbone which changes shape if i tild my head back. I cant find it on the other side but my doc said there is one too.

The last problem I have is that i feel like i have a golf ball under my arm but when I feel there is nothing there at all - it seems to hurt more when I am hot and first thing in the morning. Doctor put this down to muscle????

28-06-13, 22:47
I thought I had replied but clearly not.

Three in groin all fingertip width, firm not solid, and slightly moveable!
GP not worries: I am!

What do u think will convince u (if anything?)

01-07-13, 07:48
I thought I had replied but clearly not.

Three in groin all fingertip width, firm not solid, and slightly moveable!
GP not worries: I am!

What do u think will convince u (if anything?)

I think I need to have a full body scan to look for tumors. If that is clear, then I will be happy. Doctors don't think I need ANY investigations!!!