View Full Version : Waking up gasping for air and choking

10-06-13, 00:28
Hi guys,

So last night I had a weird experience. I was sleeping and around 4AM, I woke up from my sleep gasping for air and choking. I was so scared. I was sweating and trembling after being so terrified. After I calmed down my throat started burning and I started belching a bit.

What I want to know is if anyone had a similar experience and if it's related to acid reflux. I've had it happen before but last night was the first time in such a long time that I forgot how bad that felt.

I literally felt like I couldn't breathe and then I started choking right after.

Thanks guys. I really hope I can get some word from someone cuz night is approaching and I'm kind of scared to go to sleep. :weep:

10-06-13, 00:40
Don't worry, the choking is a common anxiety symptom. It used to happen to me all the time when I was going through the worst time of my anxiety. I used to wake up from sleep every night for 4 months and feel the exact same things you did. I know that feeling when you have shortened breath and you feel like you can't breathe properly. I used to think that I was dying in those moments, because I thought I was choking. So, don't worry it's just your anxiety.

10-06-13, 00:59
So you felt the same way? God it's so horrible. I literally feel like I couldn't breathe and then I started coughing to catch my breath.

Omg I'm so scared to go to sleep tonight.

10-06-13, 02:32
I have been suffering from the same exact symptoms as you have been getting including gasping for air after falling asleep, belching and gurgling during my waking hours. I've suffered with those symptoms you have mentioned for over 8 years now that I believe it a habit of mines. It is really a terrifying experience, but rest assured it is just a typical anxiety symptom that majority of us will go through.

10-06-13, 03:57
I haven't posted for a long long time...ive been doing pretty well I suppose and so very grateful for doing ok too....but had a lot to deal with over the last year and I thought I was coping ok but now hubbys hasn't been too well over the last week and i think its just of catching up with me and biting me big time on the bum.
Thing is i feel totally exhausted running up and downstairs, changing bedding every few hours etc etc. I'd never tell him how tired I am as hed feel guilty. But tonight I eventually fell asleep about half hour after midnight and woke up with a start about half two feeling like I was still asleep if you know what i mean, I felt like I wasn't breathing then i felt so hot and then shaky....i suffer from reflux as well but don't know if thats any reason for it. I start to feel like im going to calm down a bit then as I am calming I panic myself because I am and then off I go again in a vicious circle....I know its irrational but that doesn't always help me.
The only thing that does help me now and has helped me cope with my anxiety over the years is that when I start to panic I tell myself off by saying ''look you stupid woman'' how many times have you felt like this...now whats the worst thing thats going to happen...this is probably as bad as im going to feel this time...nothing bad happened to me last time and i felt just like i do now...so why should anything happen this time ? .and then after a little while I normally start calming bit by bit over about an hour then it eventually passes.....which its doing now