View Full Version : Making an appointment to see a doctor!

10-06-13, 01:37
I've suffered all my life with anxiety and depression. I once went to see a doctor and was put on antidepressants but then my anxiety stopped me from going back for any more. That was 7 years ago. I've gradually become worse, and I've been out of the house only twice this month.

BUT I feel like I'm at breaking point now (which is good in a way). I have to go to the doctors. I'm so nervous, I'm not sure if I can do it but I have to try.

10-06-13, 02:12
Hi, i'm sorry to hear that.
Although I dont suffer from depression I do have panic attacks, I once locked myself in the house for six months and it was awful!

The breaking point may be a good thing, help you get back on track so to speak. My doctor made me feel terrible when I told him about my situation, he told me it was a passing phrase and that was three years ago, he would not let me see a counsellor or anything else. My new doctor is lovely, she has helped me so much and I just wish I had gone to her sooner.

I hope that will be the same for you, I know when you get the thought in your mind that its "terrible" it seems to multiply to the point that going to the doctors is the worst thing possible but it is truly just a stepping stone to a happier you!

Hopefully in the near future you'll just wish you'd have gone back sooner!

Let us know how you get on, it would be lovely to see a happier you :)

10-06-13, 02:28
Thank you that's really sweet, I plan to keep this thread updated.

I'm glad you finally have an understanding doctor.

10-06-13, 08:14
Make that appointment. It is an important first step in taking control of your recovery. Write down the points you wish to discuss so you can refer to it if needed. If you feel that it would help you could write to your GP beforehand to give a background of your anxieties and work from there at the appointment.
We all know that making that contact isn't easy but you must do it. Good luck and keep in touch so that we can support you through to getting the help you need.

10-06-13, 13:35
Good luck with the doctor. If it's hard to talk, sometimes it can be easier to write things down. The meds you had last time obviously weren't for you, but there are many different kinds and also talking therapies which can be really helpful, so you're doing the right thing by going to the doctor.

10-06-13, 16:00
hello depression is a nasty thing, do not go to the appointment on your own it will be better to have support you will be fine you will be so please once you have done it, so good luck blessings

10-06-13, 16:41
I hate talking on the phone to people unless we're close, my partner is supposed to be making me the appointment but it's getting late. He won't do it unless I say so and I haven't yet.

I'd not been on antidepressants for long, but I think they would have been good for me if I'd have gone back for more. I was feeling calmer but obviously not enough to push myself to go back.

---------- Post added at 16:41 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

The appointment is on weds 19 in the afternoon. It's good that I have a week to prepare myself, but bad because of how I feel right now.

10-06-13, 16:50
It's good that you have an appointment made. Don't start fretting about it though. It will be OK and the doc is there to help you. In the meantime have you seen this page of the forum? http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/depression/

10-06-13, 17:30
It's really useful thanks :)

oh no_1
10-06-13, 17:55
thats fab news u have an appointment, when i booked mine i had 2 weeks till it.... one way was good as gave me time to think (write things down before u go i did, and my friend took me to the appointment otherwise i wouldn't have got in the door. in another way was longer ot over think about it so try and avoid that.

u have taken a major step in just booking an appointment hun so well done.

10-06-13, 19:05
Hi Stormborn. You say 7 years ago you tried anti-depressants but didn't keep up with them due to anxiety? This is definitely something that could be tried again and for long enough for them to really work which can be as short a time as a couple of weeks to a couple of months.

Try not to worry about seeing the Doc, the appointment is made so that part is over! I know it can be scary going to the surgery but once done you can start to address this problem. :yesyes:

I have been to the Surgery and been in a right old state at times even once taking me Mum along for support at my worst and I'm a nearly 40year old bloke :blush: There is no shame in taking all the help you need to get things sorted.

I think that maybe anxiety may be the biggest problem for you and that treating that may resolve the depression somewhat? I found the anti-depressants very, very good at treating the anxiety and hope they will help you too if that's the course of action your Doc suggests?


10-06-13, 21:10
What if I can't express myself properly and they don't think it's serious?!

I don't even know if my social anxiety caused my depression or if it was the other way around, or maybe neither caused the other. All I know is I've always felt this way.

I'm going to make sure I have everything I need to say in my head before I go.

10-06-13, 21:23
I usually write down what I want to ask and I would advise you do the same as it's frustrating when you go blank or can't get what you want to say out due to nerves. It doesn't need to be an essay, just simple notes of what is bothering you.

Doctors see people like us day in day out, just give them the facts and try not to leave anything out due to embarrassment. They have literally seen and heard it all before and all the facts will help them make treatment decisions.

It can be hard for us to know how to proceed with treatment with panic/anxiety/depression as these things as you say can get jumbled up and we don't know where to start. Hopefully with the facts your Doc can figure this out and is why they are there:D.

In my case getting the anxiety under control was priority number 1 and with help this has been done!


10-06-13, 21:25
Hi Stormborn, I went with a pal of mine to support her First Appt. She did have trouble on the day ... but I made sure we had a Treat afterwards.. for Both of us. It worked. She has better health now because she went to the G.P.
Good luck with the Appt.

10-06-13, 22:37
Hi Stormborn, I went with a pal of mine to support her First Appt. She did have trouble on the day ... but I made sure we had a Treat afterwards.. for Both of us. It worked. She has better health now because she went to the G.P.
Good luck with the Appt.

Thanks! :)

---------- Post added at 22:37 ---------- Previous post was at 22:24 ----------

I usually write down what I want to ask and I would advise you do the same as it's frustrating when you go blank or can't get what you want to say out due to nerves. It doesn't need to be an essay, just simple notes of what is bothering you.

Doctors see people like us day in day out, just give them the facts and try not to leave anything out due to embarrassment. They have literally seen and heard it all before and all the facts will help them make treatment decisions.

It can be hard for us to know how to proceed with treatment with panic/anxiety/depression as these things as you say can get jumbled up and we don't know where to start. Hopefully with the facts your Doc can figure this out and is why they are there:D.

In my case getting the anxiety under control was priority number 1 and with help this has been done!


I'm really pleased you've got your anxiety under control, that's great! Thanks for all the advice, it's really helpful. I'll let you know how it goes.

18-06-13, 15:11
My appointment is tomorrow and I've managed to mess my sleeping pattern up. I really don't want to go at all.

19-06-13, 20:06
I went to the doctors! Had to wait an hour to see the doctor and she was really understanding. I cried through most of it but got through it and I was prescribed antidepressants. I have to return in a month and if I find it too difficult to go then I can ring her up.

If anyone ever reads this thread who's too scared to see a doctor (like I was for years!) I hope that you push yourself to do it and once it's over with you'll feel so pleased you went.

My tips would be:

Start with conversation with the doctor by getting straight to the point, just a sentence explaining what you suffer from and how it's making you feel then go from there. Don't feel you have to explain it all in one go.

I handed her my list of my symptoms after that because I became too upset to read them out.

The rest was basic questions, and her explaining all about the antidepressants.

The doctor I saw was supportive and on my side.

Don't ever put off seeing a doctor like I did, I caused myself so much suffering.