View Full Version : HOPE

04-10-06, 00:55
HI all
im back after about a year away from forum
last year i thought there was no escape from anxiety
combined with depression but mainly anxiety.
ive came back here to say there is hope im not cured tottaly
but im a hell of a lot better.
it took a nervous breakdown and 4 weeks in hospital
for the docs to realise what was happening to me
and give me the proper medication instead of a script
and hop it.combined with anxiety classes ect ive coped
this year with my dads death my grans death and my nephew
whom i looked after being seriously assaulted to the danger of his life at
age 16....after many diff tablets they tried me on trazadone at night
which helped my sleeping and anxiety levels during day.the classes
were also invaluable to me as now i realise when anxiety levels are on rise and dont dwell on them but go with flow ...i can help my thoughts now ,which last year i certainly couldnt not mainly because i wasnt trained in thoughts ,what to do to change them ect.
so anyone thinking i will never get better,its hopeless ect
i promise it isnt and eventually you will turn things round it just takes time im a living example of that
i thought i would come back to give hope

k finnigan

Sue K with 5
04-10-06, 01:29

Welcome back

Am so glad to hear you have managed to find some peace of mind at last!!

What a bad year you have had !

Well keep fighting and thank you for letting us know there is hope



04-10-06, 01:36
thanks sue
any member that looks back on my old posts
and thinks thats me or like me get in touch
i will tell u what ive done what medication i took
what classes i done ect.
in the midst of anxiety depression ,mental illness
you think i will never get better,theres no escape ,
this is it for me but there is ,theres a new life ,new hope
it sometimes just takes time and proper help
all are welcome to pm me add me to msn
im here to help
kev xxx

k finnigan

Granny Primark
04-10-06, 18:28
Hi finny,

It is really great that youve recovered.
Your post has given me hope for the future thank you so much for posting.
After such a terrible year youve had youve coped so well.
Im really pleased for you. Also its so kind of you to offer your help to others.

Take care

04-10-06, 18:43
hi finny
well done you... :D
its nice to hear from you again too...think i will just send a pm too

04-10-06, 18:44

Well done on your success!
You have come along way and thank you for telling us about it.
I may just pm you one day :D

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

05-10-06, 09:28
Hi Finny

Its so good to hear you are recovering well, in spite of all the tragedy you have suffered in the last year. Keep up the good work, you are a true inspiration to sufferes everywhere :D

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

31-07-08, 19:54
i cant believe its july 2008 already lol well i thought time to go
to nomorepanic and give them a update on me hehe
im working now also caring for my mum since my dad died as shes had
2 strokes and cant get about like she used to
been in a relationship for nearly three years and im back to say as previous that anxiety can be beaten and theres light at end of tunnel.
last three years have been hard but now i feel thankful for little things and if ive had a good day im overjoyed ,if anxiety comes back for a day or a week i now think well i had a good week last week i will again next week and try not to dwell on it to much,same with sleep same with life ,in the beginning it was constant and like many ppl on here i thought theres no escape but there is and things will get better in time ....as i said before anyone wants advice a chat get in touch by private message

31-07-08, 20:06
Really uplifting postings which I am sure will give a lot of people hope.
Thankyou for sharing your experiences


Really enjoyed your postings
I'm sure they will give a lot of people hope

31-07-08, 20:18
Hi Finny,

Thanks for keeping us updated. You have given many here hope as you continue to live a mostly anxiety free life. I do hope it continues and that you also keep in touch.

Take care,


milly jones
01-08-08, 13:32
thank you for ur post

milly xx :hugs:

04-03-09, 18:38
hi all im back for my usual update ,the old enemy returned in january this year ,outta the blue and was with me one morning i woke up phew
this time though i was better armed to fight it and immediately sprung into action with positive thoughts,i never hid it this time i told family and friends and went to doc uppped my trazadone by 50 which is ok.
hasnt quite went away but im fighting it with postive thoughts ,if ive a good day i remember that and know it will be back if i sleep well i remember that and know it will come back if ive palps well ive a healthy heart if im hot i open window and i have to say its not half as bad as when i came to this site
and like all others here will overcome
on a more postive note ive worked for over a year and never had a day off (surprises me also lol )and well heres the big big news im gonna be a dad in june and cant wait yehaaaaaaa
so anxiety may me back but so is old finn and can only be one winner here
see ya all soon
fin xx

05-03-09, 17:47
What a inspirational post!:hugs:

Well done for recognising that you weren't well and having the determination to fight. It's great to hear that you were able to tell family and friends and go to the Drs to up your medication.

You have come such a long way since being in hospital and certainly have a lot to be proud of, especially holding down a job and having a relationship.

Congratulations to both you and your partner, I'm sure you will both make wonderful parents!

Please keep us updated.
take care xxxx:hugs:

09-03-09, 22:45
Thanks sunshine i will indeed xx

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 22:54

Sunshine is right you certainly have come a long way:) and now you going to be a daddy,can't get much better than that!

take care x

09-03-09, 22:59
cheers panic and remember im keeping a eye on you and gym
progress lol and if you ever want a fitness sheet wrote up gimme a pm
im more than happy to oblige xx

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 23:02
Awww thankyou finny:) x

09-03-09, 23:09

I think it is fantastic that someone can take the time to come back and post their story. More so when you've had so many other trials go on in your life to knock your spirit. I honestly don't think there is anything else like it to change someone's mood. If you are anxious, down and feel like you will never get better then nothing other than a thread like this one can make you realise otherwise. And how priceless is that?

Thanks again. I wish you well in the future.

All the best


09-03-09, 23:20
Thank you nechtan
when i was down and nearly out i found nmp
and it helped me enormously and i decided that whenever in day to day life or on forums i could help or make a difference i would because others did for me.i have followed that path now and as ive previousy stated any member feels like i did, major anxieties ect im always available to help them with what route i followed as once we all find some peace isnt it our duty to help others achieve that and thats why post was called hope because there is hope for all.


10-03-09, 13:32
Credit to you.

I can't help thinking if there was a book filled with these kind of stories it would be a great thing to have at hand when we feel down and/or hopeless. The stories are very uplifting and have a positive effect on people reading them.

All the best


09-10-11, 23:53
Just a little update all,bens now 2 years 3 months and a wee angel,im just about anxiety free and still taking trazadone 250mg at night,anxiety can be conquered im living proof,anyone needing help or advice pm me,i done it and you can to...

10-10-11, 00:05
good to see ya matey, you forgot to mention what a cutie little benbow is, your a wonderful daddy and hes lucky to have you,

much love as always to you all

Emms xxxxx

10-10-11, 00:13
admin eh emms lol,ty emms means a lot,i will upload a updated picture of us both,i intend to look in a lot more now,and any member reading this go back to my first posts here to see how helpless and lost i was with anxiety and with help of this site ,medication,and classes theres hope for all and no ones a lost case,xxxx

10-10-11, 15:47
hi kev
good to see you.
just wanted to send some :hugs: to you and ben.

10-10-11, 23:41
ty rach hope yer well hun xx