View Full Version : help please im jittery. i know whats causing it.

10-06-13, 10:34
so anxious/jittery it,s because this week my kids are going on a trip.. there 6yrs & 5yrs. .. don,t know why cause there not going till tomorow & thursday. feel all anxious in my chest. i so worry over my kids wish i could stop.

semper solus
10-06-13, 10:43
Where are they going anywhere nice??

If it's with School I'm sure you have nothing to worry about the teachers will be there to look after all the kids. You never know they might even come home with a present for Mummy :)

10-06-13, 11:00
true. ha,ha. i forgot the name of the place ha,ha. but i know they will be ok it,s just me. i mean if im like it now then im going to be worzer when the day comes.

semper solus
10-06-13, 11:04
What is it your worried about do you know?? I think you need to keep yourself occupied while they are away.

10-06-13, 11:32
well it,s cause there going on the trip tomorow & thursday & im scared something bad will happen.

semper solus
10-06-13, 11:36
Keep telling yourself what you put in one of your replies above i know they will be ok it,s just me :)

10-06-13, 15:05
I'm much the same with my kids. I even worry when they are at school, afraid they will have an accident on the playground or something. My kids have field trips with their school coming up as well, as it's almost the end of the year. In the end I know they will be fine, but I worry anyway. I think most parents would worry if only a little? I guess I'm scared something will happen, and I won't be there to protect them......

10-06-13, 15:12
hi fruity im a mum of 2 and a 3rd baby on the way and a panic sufferer so can relaate.

im asuming you drop of at school and a coach then takes them 2 their destination???? if thats the case perhaps getting hubby or someone to drop of at school tomorrow mornin either with u or instead of you.

ive been like this before a total wreck BUT i know they will be fine and just think how nice it is that they get to go away its lovely memories for them.

thinking of u x