View Full Version : Hello :)

10-06-13, 11:45
Hi all,

My name is Nick. I've been suffering from health anxieties for about 3 months now (off and on ... lately more on than off). I've always been a worried, but nothing like this. I'm a student mental health nurse (working on a cancer ward just now). I feel like studying all these illnesses has basically made me think I have everything. I've always had health anxiety but I could reason with it, sadly these days that is getting harder to impossible. I have a history of depression within myself and my family also.

I'm worried i have everything from oesophagal cancer (I have reflux and am trying to get off meds because this is where all my trouble started), had blood in my stools (convinced myself I have bowel cancer as well even though i have piles and that's probably more likely) had urine issues (was worried about bladder cancer as well). I managed to sort of get those on an even keel and worried less (and googled less). then i went to the optician and failed my visual fields test. twice. in my right eye (though i failed on different points each time which is strange). they are to see me in a weeks time again to try. I took a panic attack in the shopping centre after my test and almost passed out as i looked up why they do the test and im convinced i have a tumour now. i have headaches but i thought it might be either from stress and worry that i go through constantly or because im on my computer a lot (googling things :/). if my girlfriend hadnt been there i would have.

These health worries are driving me crazy. everyone is fed up hearing about it and it's really getting me down. My girlfriend is amazing and tries her best but i feel even she is hitting her limit with me. We're planning to get married next year and all i can think of is that i wont be there with her :( Its weird because for the first time in my life im genuinely in an amazing happy relationship with someone who i love so much and i'm constantly just scared of illness now...

i dont know what to do, beginning to feel at my wits end :(

Thanks for listening


10-06-13, 17:44
Hi Nick. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.