View Full Version : Newcomer and sooo worried!

10-06-13, 12:39
hello all i am knew to this site but im really hoping you wonderful people can help me out!
I am an 18 year old female and sooo worried that i might have ALS (MND) basically 11 weeks ago i gave birth to my son who unfortunately passed away so i dont know if this has fueled my phobia of death and health anxiety as i was in hospital for a week after getting a womb infection. A week after leaving the hospital i started getting twitched in my lower right leg which i thought could have been a blood clot from being on bed rest for so long. after an ultrasound it was found that i dont have one, within the space of a couple weeks the aching went into both legs, shoulders and arms. They did a range of blood tests for diabetes anemia ect and all was fine, my left arm over night became increasingly achy and went floppy and unable to do some normal daily activities luckily this passed after a few days however last week i woke up and both my arms/hands are like it but much worse, my right one in particular which is more worrying as its my writing hand, i have been up to a+e soo many times and seen the doctors countless times and been told so many different stupid things like restless leg sydrome, muscular aching ect but now im in so much panic because i put in weakness and twitching into google and every site said ALS the twitching is constant and all over my body, my hand is so weak that it keeps flopping of my keyboard and eating with a spoon is sooo hard. i havent eaten in 4 days so completely drained and my legs are weak. im tired all the time but cant stay asleep, im so sure its als that ive been in tears every day to my partner saying i dont want to die that way. ive been a complete mess. the on call doctor was out last night and said he thinks its a slip disk in my back or trapped nerve because ive been getting shooting pains and aching from my back down my arm but he said he doesnt understand why i would get it even with being in hospital on strict bed rest for a week, im due to have a mri soon and a emg and really worried thats the day im going to be told it looks like ALS. Please someone talk to me

10-06-13, 13:16
Hi laura, first of all I am very sorry for your loss, but remeber that you have a little angel watching over you and that God loves you.

Me and my brother are both hypos and we both had the als scare, actually my brother is still facing it. He has been to different neuros, 3 in all, about twitching and weakness and they never said it was als, instead they sent him to a psychiatrist.

I am no doctor, so pls get visited, but to me it seems that you are affected by fibromalgia due to anxiety. Also, als is one sided and not a whole body thing.

Hope you get to feel better.

10-06-13, 16:08
thank you for replying, its a phobia of mine that ive had for years so when the symptoms started i was convinced it was that and now im planning my death literally. all ive done is slept to get the day over quicker, havent eaten in about 4 days which i know wont help but im so scared and feel im brushed off by doctors all the time. im just scared the mri will be fine and then the emg will show als, thank you for your well wishes his death has really taken a toll on me as you can see, thank you!

10-06-13, 16:56
I will definetly keep you in my prayers. Please keep us posted with the resulys.

10-06-13, 17:03
I just wanted to post and say that I am sorry for your loss. I know somebody personally who went through such a thing. Sorry about that. I am definitely hoping you overcome your phobia in some way. Find something that helps you cope and relax to help you avoid worry.

Good luck! Let us know how your life gets better. Wishing you the best.

10-06-13, 17:10
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. You're coming up to the 3-month mark, which is often the time a bereavement hits hard, so your loss is probably a major trigger for what you're going through at the moment.

I hope the tests will diagnose what's wrong with you, and I hope it's something simple to treat. Doctors wouldn't tell you they thought it was one thing if ALS seemed like a possibility.

10-06-13, 18:19
thank you for replying and your well wishes, i know my anxiety has a part to play a im noticing my swallowing, weakness ect more and they say it can play a terrible part in your symptoms if you believe you arent well. I just wish the MRI would hurry up, im due to have a nerve conductor test as well. the on call doctor said theres no way i would have it ' its impossible for someone of your age to have motor neuron disease' and in the back of my head i was thinking well actually the youngest diagnosed person was like 8 or something. I just cant see how a trapped nerve would cause so many symptoms similar to ALS

11-06-13, 16:42
I'm so sorry about the loss of your little boy. One thing that came to mind was did you have an epidural during your labor? In very rare cases they can cause nerve damage that might explain some of your symptoms.

11-06-13, 17:11
Hi Laura,
I am really sorry about what are you going through.
I can tell you that unfortunately I lost my mother due to ALS and I had a crazy anxiety and phobia the following years about that (and I am still trying to not think too much about it tbh).
For what I've seen and researched for years, you won't see all the symptoms suddenly.
It's a long illness.
I am sure that anxiety it's playing a huge part in these symptmos.

I had all them as well, years ago.
I was sure I was going to die.
I went to neurologists and so on.

I am still here, struggling with other problems, but more on anxiety and depression related.

It's difficult to give an answer that will keep you quiet, because I remember my fear.
Just try to remember accept that anxiety can cause A LOT of phisical symptoms.
That you are going through a difficult moment so every sensation is increased.

It's ok that you do the tests that you want, if it will keep you quiet.
Then maybe you could start a different path more researching how to cope with your anxiety.
I am sure you will be better in a while!!