View Full Version : So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

04-10-06, 01:45
I am glad I found my way here, it made me realise that even if I am mad I am not alone and that revelation came at a time when I really felt I was.

However in recent times things have not been good and today was the final straw. I cannot stand by and watch my friends be hurt. I find it strange that some people feel they are able to rally round a wounded comrade and yet I am not.

I do not do threatening or violent and tonight I nearly lost it properly for the first time in over 20 years, this opens up a whole new can of worms which I did not think I was going to have to face just yet. I have enough problems being back at work for the first time in 4 months and the meds playing merry hell with my mental state to start going loco again.

I'm sorry if my behaviour offended anyone, suffice to say I had my reasons and they were good ones even if the implementation was crude. My only regret is that I was not able to step in early enough to save people I care about the inexorable hurt that has now been caused.

I can no longer go onto the chat and give myself unconditionally to new people and that is unfair and a dereliction of the purpose for which it is there. I am a communicative person and new people do not need jaded rhetoric and warnings they need help and compassion.

I wish everyone help, happiness and recovery, even those I have fought with. We are all part of life's rich tapestry and in a different place at a different time who knows what may have happened.

I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to certain people who talked me down during times when the meds sent me up the crazy tree. You all know who you are, thank you. Anyone who wishes to stay in touch is welcome to send me a message and I'll share my msn/aim for when I come back on. I have not made this post as some draw attention to me attempt merely to explain to people not about why I am not around and to reassure them that I will be ok.

alles gute Leute, hiermit ist der rote baron verabschiedet.

Dom x

If what doesn't kill us makes us stronger it's a pretty fair bet it's going to hurt.

04-10-06, 03:01

You are a gentleman a scholar and a prince, and this site will be poorer for you not being around. You are the most unselfish person i have ever met and im sorry it had to end like this. And im so glad i had the priveledge to become your friend. You will always be me dom you know that.

See you on the otherside babe.

love yaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


04-10-06, 03:53
Dom, I am deeply remorseful for your decision to leave, however, as you said in your own post, your methods of dealing with the situation was 'crude'. I personally think crude is too soft a word.

I shall personally miss the Dom I met a couple of months ago, but I shall not miss the Dom I saw tonight.

Be lucky with your paths in life, I hope they take you to great places, although, I somewhat hope they do not meet with mine.

Kind Regards


Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

04-10-06, 09:18

i think you should re-consider your decision to leave the forum, a place that has helped you and has made you a very good friend, please don't allow the minority drive you out, you stood up for what you believe in, and why not we are all allowed to do that, I for one have been attacked and slated so many times for either sticking up for someone on here or for standing up for something I feel strongly about, but hey water off a ducks back, like the saying goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time, and just remember if people don't like you for what you believe in, then tough, their loss not yours mate.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

Sue K with 5
04-10-06, 09:42
Hello dom!!

Wow that was obviously a very tough decision for you to make and from what I have heard and experienced recently one that you feel is justifiable.

Your actions of last night Dom were made from loyalty and friendship and I for one support that.

Dont ever feel that you are not welcome on the forum or in chat, it is a free site for people with anxiety, depression and phobias and is not designed to be used as a place for back stabbing two faced egotistical low down cat fighting bullies.

God and I thought the playground was rife with them.

I like to laugh and joke, I am the first one to MENTION the horrid work sex ( Sorry Nic) but when things get personal and dirty thats when I think limits have gone too far.

I think its about time NMP was used for its full purpose and not for the click to come in and abuse. ITS A BLOODY WEBSITE FOR PEOPLE WITH PANIC but if you lot think we wont fight you back your sadly mistaken!

Dom you should feel proud of yourself for making a stand. This would not have happened had certain people learnt to kerb their tongues.

I also went on a rage campaign the other day and I dont regret it.

Enough is enough, some of us struggle to get through a day and with this additional stress and bad feeling it makes it almost impossible to survive. Your quick enough to use this site when you want help, so give a little back to it. Keep the opinions you have relating to other members to yourself, and stop gossiping, stop lining this place up for a date room and use it for what it truly is.


Dom you will never be alone with your anxiety and panic and people here do genuinely care.



04-10-06, 12:49
Hi Dom
I havent posted or I havent been to chat since last week....with all the rumors and pointing fingers........and getting the **** end deal i left myself....I wish you all the best in ya life Im glad I had the oppurtunity of meeting you.......keep taking those pics ......you defenetly have the eye for it......you take care ......remember lets not sweat the small ****...... life is good ..............Linda tc xx[8D]

04-10-06, 12:54
welcome to no more panic dom

04-10-06, 14:31

Don't know what happened but sorry to see you go. You always made the most considered and intelligent posts that were very interesting to read and muse over. Wishing you all the best on your return to work.

Best Wishes


04-10-06, 14:41

I am so sorry to see you go :(. I do understand how you feel though, this is the second post ive read tody about the chat room upsetting people. You are such a lovely guy and I wish all good things for you in your life

take care dom

big hugs

love mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

04-10-06, 17:59
and here was me hoping the chat room would improve

dom am gonna miss you although we didnt really chat your posts have helped me a lot


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

04-10-06, 19:47

We haven't talked much - if atall - but please don't go ok?

We are working at resolving some of the chat room issues.

Don't be driven away!
