View Full Version : uchhh heart palps!! :(

10-06-13, 19:29
I have had these heart palpitations before... but once I got my anxiety a little bit under control I found that they went away. I have decided to start exercising. I am not overweight, but pretty out of shape. I started off just walking. It felt good and I definitely felt like it got my heart beating. This was yesterday. Today I am having HORRIBLE palpitations! Has anyone ever experienced this? I have not had palps in ages... I feel like it has to have to something to do with my walking yesterday. Any thoughts? Thanks!

11-06-13, 00:06
Yeah it probably was to do with the exercise. I've had that and my mom has too, and we've both been told our hearts are okay. Exercise can increase your adrenalin, amd while the fast heart rate during exefcise normally keeps palps at bay, you can get them afterwards. Also, if you're prone to palps, unfortunately you can get them any time you're under physical or mental strain. So being sick, stress, a new exercise regimen...it can be worrying, but they're apparently benign if you've been checked out.

11-06-13, 16:29
thanks so much for your reply! Yes I was checked out and told over and over that my heart is healthy. But, when it feels like it is beating in my throat then quickly falling to my stomach, it is so hard to believe it is ok!! But thank you for replying... honestly you just made my day.