View Full Version : Temporal Arteritis

10-06-13, 21:11
Does anyone know much about temporal arteritis and/or have any experience with it? My 3 week long chronic headache has me convinced that I have it. When I feel the left side of my head it feels so swollen compared to the right side and tender to the touch...it hurts to touch my temple, forehead and also my whole body is so lethargic and sore. Also my head pain is like a sharp shooting pain. I visited my doctor today and she said my head muscles feel tender as well and she ordered a blood test. Am so terrified of what this could be!!! I know my anxiety is exacerbating the issue but at the same time the doctor even noticed that things didn't feel right so I'm scared of what she thinks it is and what the blood test is going to find.

10-06-13, 23:46
I am sorry about what you are dealing with. i am very sorry. Try to calm down. yes, your anxiety may be quite difficutl and may cause you to be even more scared.

Just relax. At least you are going to a doctor. This is a good sign.wishing you the best.

11-06-13, 18:45
Thank you. My blood test came back negative for any vitamin deficiencies, infections, etc. so I am back at square one again trying to figure out the cause.

I can't get out of my head the idea that it's a blood clot/aneurysm just waiting to strike. I keep reading horror stories like this online


But then if if a clot/aneurysm was the reason I started getting headaches 3 weeks ago then I probably wouldn't be here right now...at least this is what I tell myself to feel better.