View Full Version : Hobbies to occupy mind/keep anxiety to a minimum

10-06-13, 21:26
Hi there, wasn't sure which section to post this in but was wondering what sort of hobbies, if any, that anybody does at home to pass time? I find if I'm sitting around a lot my mind and thoughts run away with themselves more, decided I need some kind of hobby, ideally inexpensive, that I can do in the evenings when I'm sat home, thanks in advance,


10-06-13, 21:27
PS3 helped me

10-06-13, 21:28
I write novels. To help me with the accuracy of my work I research, that makes me think about the subject and away from the anxiety. I also knit and am currently knitting a patchwork blanket.

10-06-13, 21:33
I draw and paint and grow veg.

10-06-13, 22:01
Thanks for the replies. I have a few veggies growing in my garden, and do spend time doing that when the weeds come up, not the greatest at drawing but it sounds like a nice hobby. Do have an xbox also but don't often like to sit playing it for too long, like to do something I can see the outcome of, would quite like to make a patchwork blanket or cushion or something, wouldn't have a clue where to start though or the cost of materials. Sometimes do sudoku on my ds but becomes a but repetative.

10-06-13, 22:06
i love word searches, I like playing bejelleed blitz too on my laptop or swimming pampering myself or watch a good comedy film

11-06-13, 01:30
I knit, which I find excellent for both distraction and relaxation :)

And I do a wee bit of gardening which I also find very helpful :)

11-06-13, 09:04
I knit, though not brilliant at it and have taught myself to crochet from a childrens ladybird book I found on ebay :)

I also have cross stitch but haven't done it for ages, I do a crossword everyday in the paper, gardening and I come on here! I also try and do a little bit of execise, either on the wii, walking or exercise bike.

11-06-13, 09:34
I know it sounds a bit sad I'm only 31 but ...... I crochet - love it X

11-06-13, 23:59
Col that's not sad at all :)

I don't know why people have this belief that it's only little old ladies that knit and crochet :lac:

I can tell you now that there are billions of young people who do home crafts and who love it :)

I'm proud to say that I have been knitting and crocheting since I was a child and I absolutely love it :D

So you just go ahead and have fun and enjoy your crocheting, it will bring you many years of pleasure :hugs:

12-06-13, 05:18
Creating things is wonderful for anxiety, it gives you something to focus on and gives a great sense of achievement. I'm constantly doing something, painting pictures, shabby chic furniture (I pick up cheap pieces from car boot sales), make my own greetings cards, signs, driftwood art etc. Have a look through Amazon for some cheap bits - I've just ordered 10 wooden hearts for 45p each to decorate. I'm lucky in that I have a local craft shop that sells my work to fund my hobbies.

12-06-13, 09:54
With the weather being nice here (mostly), I found gardening really helped (despite the back problems I have). I used to really enjoy jigsaw puzzles, knitting and cross stitching but I believe my concentration has reduced. I find the Xbox is something I really enjoy and can relax doing. Plus I can get absorbed in the storyline. I love reading too but sadly, the concentration is a problem with that. I also do all the puzzles you get in magazines and send them off. They are fun and keep my brain active (I'm rather forgetful these days) plus if you win something it will boost your spirits!

16-06-13, 22:08
Thanks everyone for all the replies, there are some great idea's there, I like to do crosswords, wordsearches, used to knit when I was younger with my mum but I might see if I can take it up again :) Love being in my garden when the weathers right and when the weeds need attacking, and also love having a pamper session, I done that last night, got the old face mask out, and soon I need to sit and sort out my nails, so lots of good idea's to keep me going, thanks everyone :)

16-06-13, 22:13
Don't forget to keep in touch with friends and make a few visits or invite them round, also volunteering in charity shops is a great time killer if you've got a lot of spare time.

16-06-13, 22:55
Col that's not sad at all :)

I don't know why people have this belief that it's only little old ladies that knit and crochet :lac:

I can tell you now that there are billions of young people who do home crafts and who love it :)

I'm proud to say that I have been knitting and crocheting since I was a child and I absolutely love it :D

So you just go ahead and have fun and enjoy your crocheting, it will bring you many years of pleasure :hugs:

Thanks auntie Moosie ..... I don't know I just get that feeling when u tell certain people u crochet that they think your old fashioned??? It doesn't put me off though - I love it!!!