View Full Version : Chest pain

11-06-13, 07:17
I've mentioned chest pain I've been having to my dr and she is unconcerned, says its muscular and anxiety driven. She didn't examine me.
It's middle of my chest where your ribs start to part and burns and I can feel it in my back as well. And sometimes under my ribs in a band just there.
I'm trying to tell myself it's just pain in ribs etc as sometimes I can make the pain worse by getting into certain positions, twisting, tensing etc but then other times the pain will just go and I can't reproduce it and that's when I start thinking it could be my heart after all. It's driving me crazy as I've been having skipped beats as well, sometimes quite forceful, but still she just says its not my heart.

11-06-13, 17:20
Hi mummyanxious

I'm afraid to say you doctor is right, But she should have examined you.

You have a condition called Costochondritis everything you have said points straight to it I know I have suffered from it for 4 years (It normal clears up with in several months).
Pain that can be made worse by moving and twisted also tensing is a muscular problem but you already knew that didn't you.

I have had all the feelings you have and I have only now managed to understand that my heart has nothing to do with it

If you can reproduce the pain then you know that it has nothing to do with the heart.
Listen to me this has got to STOP, STOP it about the only thing if you do look anything up is costochondritis but again I think you know this..

You did the right thing going to the doctor in the first place as chest pain can be very distressing and now you are in a position to be able to guide others who have chest pains in understanding that if the pain is reproducible in the ways you have explained that it is not related to the heart.

And because you are having all this happening it can lead to you feeling other symptoms like the skipped beats.. Your not crazy.

I hope this is what you wanted to hear

11-06-13, 21:33
It's always better to be examined, and I'm sure a different doctor would be happy to if you're still worried, but your pain sounds very gastro imho. Burning pain under sternum that you can feel in the back and tenderness would be very consistent with acid issues. Costo is definitely another possibility, but I have both and it sounds more like gastro pain. Anxiety often causes acid reflux.

11-06-13, 22:05
I suffer at times from chest pain going through to my back, can be really painful. In my case it`s related to stomach. I burb an awful lot, so have to be careful in what I eat and drink.
Have had CT scan and all is clear.

12-06-13, 21:58
But it's the palpitations all the damn while as well. They just seem to see I have a history of anxiety and have had palpitations before so seem to fob me off. I'm sick of not being taken seriously :(

13-06-13, 11:36
I had something similar and managed to convince my boyfriend to take me to A+E. Ended up being kept in overnight and having test after test, being told it could be a blood clot in the lung (way to relax me, hey!) and after 17 hours I was told it's a pulled/tight muscle.
This was before my diagnosis of anxiety but now it all makes sense!

13-06-13, 13:39
Decided to go to gp this morning as this is 3rd day of chest pain.
Gp examined me and reckons it is strained muscles due to excessive burbing,( so embarrassing at times.)
Got prescribed Domperidome and Ranitidine and go back in 2-3 weeks.
Has anyone tried these meds.

14-06-13, 11:46
I've had both. Domperidone was fine but I don't tolerate ranitidine

14-06-13, 18:30
mummy, what have you been prescribes Domperidone for ? Other people have said they get it for nausea. I don`t have that. The gp said it was to get everything moving again. When he examined my stomach, every place he touched was tender.
It must be prescribed for pain discomfort too.

14-06-13, 19:49
Gut motility to move it quicker out of my tummy

14-06-13, 23:25
Domperidone is also for speeding up the digestive system and can be prescribed together with a mild laxative sometimes as in the cases of Bile Reflux, in order to empty the stomach quicker and help lesson discomfort.

15-06-13, 00:51
Gut motility to move it quicker out of my tummy
Must be same here.

---------- Post added at 00:51 ---------- Previous post was at 00:50 ----------

Domperidone is also for speeding up the digestive system and can be prescribed together with a mild laxative sometimes as in the cases of Bile Reflux, in order to empty the stomach quicker and help lesson discomfort.
Thanks Horse for that info.