View Full Version : Any other sinus sufferers....

04-10-06, 09:53
Are any of you suffering with sinus pain in this damp weather? since the rain hit us 2 days ago im in agony again. Thought the anti bs had finally worked as id had no pain for a week but here I am in pain again.

Could the weather really cause the sinuses to swell and cause this pain?

04-10-06, 10:27

Im another sinus sufferer. I am just getting over a cold and then the sinus kicks in just after.

I hate this damp weather coz im know im gonna suffer

love mandie x

04-10-06, 10:44
So damp weather can cause it? ive had the ear pressure, cheek & eye pressure feeling since the end of June, tried antibiotics twice and im on a steroid spray once a day but its still there. Had a week pain free then yesterday it flared up again as soon as the weather changed.

05-10-06, 00:20
hi jem,
did u try the goldenseal? i'm also suffering again..had the ct scan with the ent dept and tomorrow i have the follow up...bit worried but hey thats quite normal for me now!

05-10-06, 10:48
Hi Jem,

I am not a regular poster on this site, but I do read yours and others posts often, as I am suffering very very similar symptoms to you.

About a year ago, I had a bout of labyrinthitis (I had it before about 12 years ago too). This inner ear infection lasted about 8 weeks for me, and then the symptoms settled down. However, since then, on and off, I get the most horrendous ear, sinus and head pain and pressure, sometimes it is so crippling I cannot function normally. I have kids, a part time job, and a busy life, so it is not easy for me to drop everything, but I often struggle on, not showing how much I am suffering. Sometimes it makes me feel so anxious, I was actually hospitalised in January after a horrific panic attack. They did every test under the sun on me, and nothing showed. An MRI scan was all clear, I was simply told to go away and try to enjoy my life!!

So, going back to sinuses...for the last two or three weeks, since the weather changed, I have been suffering terrible pain, I am on antibiotics at the mo for a sinus infection. Seem to be getting a little relief after being on them for four days now, but it can terrify me that I have someting horrendous wrong with me if I stop and think about it too much!! I have spoken to a lot of people about this, and sinus pressure is amazingly common. Loads of people suggest steaming regularly, which I am starting to do, but I find an ibuprofen tab or two, and lots of rubbing of sinuses on the face help. The main thing is to realise that stress and anxiety can aggravate this condition. The best thing you can do is calm down!!!!

I am a fine one to talk (not many people can have had anxiety and panic like me) but I am beginning to come out the other side and see how damaging negativity is to our bodies. I am trying to stay positive, and keep strong for my kids and partner if nothing else.

I hope that you don't mind my long post, in response to what was a short post from you, but I have been reading your postings for some time, as your feelings are so similar to my own!

Chin up, keep positive, steam, ibuprofen, and hope for some lovely dry weather soon (???!!!)

Amber x

Two heads
05-10-06, 15:57
I have been suffering sinus probs since december on and off.All so i have had an ear infection which has left a slightly def ear still!
Went to docs and there not interested,he just said to inhale something to clear it.
I known how you feel as it can be so scarey at times.xxxxx

05-10-06, 20:36
Thank you all.
Amber thanks for your reply, very supportive and its good to know im not the only one. Its so painful at times and I do agree with you that anxiety is probably have the problem.

I got my referal today so feel much happier:-)

11-10-06, 18:16
just after a bit of advice and help please.
i started feeling a bit chesty on monday as tho i was going to have a cough. since then i have felt popping in my ears particulary the right one. throat a little sore, but for some reason i have been getting pain in my actual jaw. one minute it can feel like a tingly cold sensation, the next like i'm having loads of needles pushed in. i haven't got a cold in the sense of a runny nose, but i have got a lot of phlem on my chest (more in the morning)

is this something i should go to c the doc about or can it all just be related to how i'm feeling at the mo?

i'm trying not to try and think about it much (but its not helping)

i'd be grateful for any advice or input that will hopefully put my mind at a little more ease.
penny x

15-10-06, 10:22
ive been a chronic sinus sufferer for years now, and i've noticed certain types of weather can deffinately set it off/make it worse.