View Full Version : Need help talking myself down from bone cancer scare

11-06-13, 11:00
Hi guys,
I posted awhile back about my fear of bone cancer, since a friend passed away from it last year.

I've been having bad hip joint and groin pain for awhile now, and today I've been having knee pain.

Logically, I know that I've probably worn something out in my hip since I walk at least an hour a day, with a big bag. ( I am a teacher in Spain, with no car, and a long commute.)

However the illogical part of my brain is acting up, and telling me I have bone cancer. I don't know how to believe the logical part.

12-06-13, 11:29
No one?

12-06-13, 11:53
Hello from a wet uk, we all get these worries and however irrational it may seem controling it is hard, distraction is the best thing, reading watching something anything to keep you occupied, your pains are most probably muscular so try not to worry, if you do continue to worry see a dr to put your mind at rest blessings