View Full Version : Stressing my self out

04-10-06, 10:02
Ive had a tooth infection and have been given some antibiotics which are making me feel really sick and a upset stomach but i know that most the symptoms im making myself feel for worrying about them on the leaflet that comes with them i read they can cause fits and thats it now im convinced im gonna have one its soo stupid but i cant help i. I phoned NHS direct and that has made me feel worse cause they told me i could be having a reaction and to see my gp tonight so now im panicking. x


04-10-06, 10:09
Give your dentist a ring, or whoever gave you the tablets. The antibiotics probably just dont agree with you and you may need another type. I know my mother cannot tolerate a certain antibiotic as it gives her sickness and diarheah (sorry cant spell) just like you so dont worry. And dont read the leaflets, they just make you worse as they list every possible reaction that has been known to man just to cover themselves. Hope you feel better.

04-10-06, 10:46
Don't worry - the reaction that NHS Direct is referring to would be the upset stomach. They didn't mean a serious reaction, or they would have said go to casualty immediately.

Antibiotics do cause upset stomachs because they kill off good bacteria in the gut. That sounds like what you have got, that's all.

And the drug leaflets have to list everything that's ever been noted after taking the drug....that will include things that people have said happened after taking the drug that perhaps weren't caused by the tablet. So don't worry.

04-10-06, 10:53
The only trouble really is that NHS direct seem to always refer you back to your doctor - I guess they have to do this to cover themselves but it kinda invalidates its use if it scares us all half to death in the process.

If indeed the antibiotics dont agree with you then yes it does make sense to tell someone and try a different sort. It does seem terribly common for this to happen so do try not to worry hun.

Could you not ring the surgery and explain this to the receptionist cos they may be able to sort it out with the doctor without you even having to go down there. I am lucky that at my doctors we have phone consulutations first before they decide whether you need to come to the surgery.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.