View Full Version : Very down and panicky.

11-06-13, 14:36
I have no idea what's going on anymore. I thought the Seroxat was working but I think that was a false alarm. I've been on it about six or seven weeks now. It seems like with the Citalopram, a false alarm. Maybe no tablets will ever work for me.

I'm not sure if I am suffering from heat stroke. Yesterday was awful. I couldn't stop panicking. My partner had to come home from work. I felt incredibly sick and couldn't eat anything. I feel slightly better but very anxious still. More than normal. It's making me very depressed and I don't think I'll ever get better.

I made the effort to contact the Psychology service I was using as I hadn't heard from them and had finished my CBT. Turns out they were planning on calling me to see how it went anyway. I am back on the two week waiting list to get a review. Odd, as I figured I was already dealing with them so they would be able to continue help, like they did before. Without meaning to sound ungrateful, they were very rude and pretty useless but I don't seem to be able to get help from anyone else.

13-06-13, 15:47
I've just realised that people probably didn't reply because there wasn't much point to the above post. I guess I am trying to say where I do go from here? If I can't get any more therapy/help and the tablets never work, what on earth is going to happen to me?

13-06-13, 15:52
Maybe that medication is not right for you? How long have you been taking it? I get very sick when I am anxious too and it is awful :( Try to eat little and often and things that go down easily.

13-06-13, 15:58
Hi I'm into my 6th week on citalopram and feel pretty much the same as you. I think you need to give it a bit longer as they do say it can take up to 8 wks or more to get the full benefit

13-06-13, 16:04
Oops sorry I just realised you said how long you were taking it :doh: Like Violet said, I would give it a bit longer.

13-06-13, 17:47
Six weeks yesterday. This is my fourth drug that I've tried. I'm beginning to wonder if none of them will work for me. Today I have led on the sofa. I have literally been paralysed with panic most of the day, the thought of another day like this is unbearable. It's my mother's birthday today and it feels like I've majorly let her down. I think she feels that way too. Now she is coming round later and last time her and my bloke got on the subject of my anxiety, they both had a go at me. I just can't live like this anymore and I've tried everything I know of that could help. That's not even an exaggeration.

14-06-13, 15:17
I feel a bit like you. I'm on my second type of medication (a year of being on one thing or another), plus I've had CBT and hypnotherapy, neither with any long acting change. The success stories on here are really keeping me sane though. I think a bit of positive mental attitude can go a long way too. Try and focus on overcoming this rather than feeling defeated - I know this is so so easier said than done! Don't give yourself such a hard time

14-06-13, 15:55
I'm on my tenth medication, although spread over a 16 year period, and believe me, something will work, it may not be antidepressants but you will get better. In 2003 I thought I had tried everything, I'd had CBT, tried 3 antidepressants and was no better and thought 'nothing works, I shall always be like this' but I found a good doc who prescribed Prozac and it slowly worked and I was anxiety and depression free for 8 years.

I lead a normal life for all those years, went on holidays, ran a marathon, life was good. I've since tried 5 different meds which haven't suited me BUT something will and I will get back to normal again and if I can, so can you and everyone else who suffers with anxiety. Even if you decide to not take medication, anxiety and depression will come and go, it is never constant. Never stop believing that you will recover, all those 'what if's' drive anxiety higher and are our biggest obstacle to recovery. You will recover - definitely.