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View Full Version : chest x ray tmro after weeks of stress panicin

11-06-13, 17:12
didK im not so scared abou d x ray itself as I am abou wat it will show...lung cancer im tinkin...anyway was havin chest pains and back pains now havin rib pains aswell so painful hav it all day every day can't stand it also still hav cough.doc says il hav t wait a week r so for results which is even worse anyway anybody ever h ad chest x ray an wat did the results come back as? Im 22 so I kno im a bit young t hav lung cancer but im convinced and terrified.

11-06-13, 17:47
Hi iluvdyl13

Chest x-rays are a useful tool in any doctors arsenal as it can show the lungs and heart and also the ribs all of which can cause chest pain.

You doctor would be sending you for the x-ray just to rule out the lungs and heart.
I have had several chest x-rays due to chest pain and all have comeback normal, and my chest pain has been a constant problem for me dating back 4 years and at it worse I was unable to stand for long periods and about the most I could do was just lay down.

Try not to thing what you think is wrong and just focus on the idea that this is just a routine chest x-ray. Just think if something was wrong it will do you no good worrying about it until you know what you are dealing with.

If the doctor thought something real bad was going on you would have been sent straight for the x-ray and then other tests.
Try not to worry and relax.

11-06-13, 19:25
Thanks I am trying really hard not to worry just finding it really hard not to panic and think im a goner

11-06-13, 19:29
Try not to worry too much , I have had 3 chest x rays and always think the absolute worst when waiting for the results but so far they have always been clear, let us know how you go on. :flowers:

11-06-13, 20:44
Thanks I will hopefuly will b all good