View Full Version : Update

11-06-13, 17:25
So today my fuzzy head weird jumpy eye thing continues, I had a panic attack had to finish work, I went to the walk in centre where they checked me over , bp fine, blood sugars fine, pulse fine, mpi had abit of a fever and she said my glands were really up, and she said she's surprised I hadn't had any pain, well I had until last week mid week, anyway she did a few neuro exams and they were all fine. So I had my retest eyetest and again surprise surprise everything was fine, she said there's no abnormalities , everything was the same as it was the last time but I did the right thing going back, she suggested migraines, or an ear problem and has gave me a letter for my GP to investigate further, with a copy of my results. I'm feeling a little better its just the eye thing is getting me down my head feels quite tight now like a migrane would, I also noticed that I had a glare of the TV last night which I used to get when I had migranes before, I just haven't had much head pain until today, so here's hoping xx

12-06-13, 03:42
Hello, great to hear everything is normal :)
I get the same fuzzy head and jumpy eye, I think it's all apart of anxiety since mine seems to worsen when my anxiety is bad.

I also have this bad head pressure, that I probably told you about. It worsens when I lie down, I hate it!! It also gives me pain where the pressure is. Don't know what to do about it

12-06-13, 10:26
Have you gone back to the docs? or eyetest?
I had a bad headache but i got so worked up its probably why :'(
So fed up with feeling run down all the time

12-06-13, 11:56
Well its good everything checked out ok, the dr will sort out your eye issue so its being sorted which is the main thing takecare blessings