View Full Version : Cipralex and depression?

11-06-13, 17:55

I have been dealing with panic attacks and anxiety for about four months now. I was originally prescribed Klonopin and Ativan when needed the first month in the hopes that I could continue with my life and it would pass. However, its continued past that first month. I was starting to feel less confident about ever getting over it and starting to feel a little depressed about it so I saw my doctor to start antidepressants for the anxiety. She had told me if I had anxiety for over a month and its interfering with my life I could try those so I went for more help. I took Cipralex 5mg for the first 8 days and then increased to 10mg afterwards. I am on about day 13 of the 10mg (not including the first week of low dose). I'm not sure if it is connected to my medication but I havn't noticed any positive effects yet. In fact I have worsened anxiety and i'm feeling increasingly depressed. I'm worried that it is connected to the Cipralex but not sure. I have an appointment with the doctor in 14 days which is when the medication should start working. In the mean time I am trying to wait it out and continue taking them even though my mood is making me question why I came on them in the first place. The depressing feeling didn't start right away though, seems to have started a week after starting 10mg. I feel very emotional and cry easily and I have no motivation.

I was told by a few people that their depression or anxiety got worse before getting better. So i'm writing on this forum for advice and motivation to keep taking this medication. I need someone to calm my fears about these meds or tell me if this is not normal. Unless it gets worse I will probably wait until my appointment at the end of the month to see my doctor.

11-06-13, 18:02
Hey There.

Just to let you know that when starting an SSRI, things get much worse before they get better. You need to really allow 4 weeks at LEAST before things start improving.

Also, Klonopin and Ativan are Benzos I believe? They are notorious for causing depression.

I'm currently on Valium. Been on since I started Cipralex back a few months ago. I would advise to get off benzos as quickly but as safely as possible. They are only good for absolute emergencies. They do nothing good for anyone.

As far as Cipralex, it is very expected that anxiety and depression worsen in the first few weeks. Stick with it my friend!!

12-06-13, 01:24
I don't take the benzos regularly, its only as needed when it gets bad and I can't work. I just find it weird because I didn't feel this low before and I freak myself out because the pamphlet that came with my medication says to tell your doctor if you have worsening depression or anxiety. Then I get depressed that all this is for nothing and i'm going to have to wait even longer to feel better and anxious that something is going wrong. I'm a mess. Never felt like this before. Really uncomfortable. I try and occupy my mind but I can't concentrate on anything.

Anybody else have any answers? Is feeling of depression the first few weeks starting Cipralex expected? Someone calm me down. One reply is not doing it.

12-06-13, 11:38
It is totally normal I promise....I used to get real flat weeks when I first started up and had to control my anxiety levels with Lorazepam (which I believe is Ativan) then suddenly you start noticing feeling good days which get more regular. Hopefully this will happen soon for you but it took me about 6 weeks before I noticed any real difference and up to 6 months to feel more or less back to normal, I still get weenie blips but not very often now so just hang on in there a little longer (: It's really hard I though xxx

12-06-13, 17:28
When i'm gauging how much time has passed do I count since I started the meds at 5mg or since upping it to 10mg? When the doctor says 4-6 weeks before I feel a positive effect does the 5mg start up week count towards that?

12-06-13, 17:40
Not really. I would count 4-6weeks on the same dose.

I don't know a single person who has never got worsen anxiety and depression when they first started taking these medications.

23-06-13, 03:42
You were right. The anxious and depressed feeling passed and now i'm starting to get relief from my anxiety. Yayyyy!

24-06-13, 21:05
good for you:)

25-06-13, 10:12
So good to hear (: