View Full Version : Fillings

11-06-13, 18:14
I have had a filling and i'm scared because the dentist said if i feel pain after the numbness wears off il need a root canal- que high anxiety!

I said whats the chances of it happening and she said she couldnt say..im so so scared as i fear root canals because people say there very painful :(
has anyone elses dentist said this after a filling and did you end up needing one?

also im still numb how long till i can eat im scared of swallowing my tongue or something xx

11-06-13, 19:25
I've had that happen before where they tried a filling but warned it may be too deep and need a root canal. Give it about a week because my dentist always said that sometimes the nerve needed to calm down after fillings and only then could you decide if the root canal was needed. Usually mine were fine.

I've had one root canal. Keep in mind I'm claustrophobic and very much overthink things. It took less than an hour and was like getting a filling, honestly. Take some ibuprofen or something beforehand to help relax your jaw muscles because you may get tired. I felt no pain from the procedure itself and afterwards felt really minimal pain that went away within a day or so. My uncle has had tons of root canals and it's the same thing. Don't be afraid! :hugs:

11-06-13, 19:47
Thank you so much, this has calmed me down muchly!!
xxx :hugs:

11-06-13, 20:52
No problem!! I have massive dental anxiety so if I say it's no big deal then you know it's no big deal!! ;) :hugs:

11-06-13, 22:53
If you have to have root canal work done, it's nothing to worry about. I've had it and it was fine. Not my idea of a fun day out but it wouldn't put me off having it done again if I needed it.


12-06-13, 10:41
Thank you, my dental anxiety goes back to a child! thank you both :hugs:

12-06-13, 11:18
Hi, I absolutely hate the dentist and about 2 years ago I needed a root canal. I too heard they were very painful and I was uncomfortable for at least a week afterwards but the only time I can say I was in actual pain was when I had been drinking and therefore couldnt take any paracetamol (I won't under any circumstances drink alcohol and take pills of any form).
Also the fact paracetamol helped with the pain shows it couldnt have been that bad :-)

12-06-13, 12:07
Ok i always say its better to have the dental treatment than have raging toothache which i have had so many times keep your mouth clean with warm salt water gargle it, will kill infection etc blessings