View Full Version : Left arm pain and heart attack

11-06-13, 18:50
Hi! I've posted here before, but it's been a while. My anxiety has been much better the last few months...until now. I thought I was getting better until 5 days ago.

I just started running twice a week and 5 days ago I ran the most I've ever run. I noticed the day after that I was sore. My foot hurt, my leg hurt and they still do, but I'm not worried about those. I know those are just from wrong posture and I need to work on that. The one that is worrying me is my left shoulder/arm. I noticed an ache in my left shoulder 2 days after running that comes and goes in waves. It's a pretty mild pain, I wouldn't say severe. Just annoying. It stayed in my shoulder for the last 2 days and I didn't worry too much. I just decided it was form too much tension and clenching my keys in my hand while running. Could it be from that?

But yesterday I noticed it was traveling. I was having the same achy feeling in other places on my arm; forearm, elbow, upper arm. And again, just mild waves of pain. I did notice that they are worse when I'm holding something in that hand or driving with that hand or even now when typing, they get worse.I do feel a slight tightness in my left shoulder like maybe I hurt it somehow.
But that doesn't matter of course, to me I am going to have a heart attack at any minute!

I just can't believe that running could make my arm ache like this 5 days later. My husband thinks it's mostly in my head, and he has good reason to say that. We've been through this hundreds of times with other symptoms and they are ALWAYS nothing! I hate going to the doctor, it gives me panic attacks, so I try to avoid if I can.

Does anyone else experience this? Could it be heart related? Or could it really just be some sort of tension from running? Or just my anxiety making it worse. It did get worse once I started worrying about it. Or maybe playing on my iphone too much? I have started doing more of that lately:)

13-06-13, 11:51
Not cardiac, but it certainly sounds musculoskeletal.

13-06-13, 12:14
its surprising what our heads can do give us all sorts of symptoms, i am sure you are ok, but if in doubt check it out, thats why drs are there blessings

12-07-13, 23:30
That happens to me. Whenever I get this "tingling" or funny feeling in my left arm, my mind initially assumes it has to do with my heart, yet of course it's all rubbish. When you fixate on a minor problem or annoyance with your body, the anxious mind amplifies it to a "bigger" problem.

If you haven't had any cardiac issues before, there's definitely no need to be concerned. But like aggie said, when it doubt, just get a simple check up.