View Full Version : Fearing Lung Cancer :(

11-06-13, 19:50

So I guess I have another issue now... I have had some chest discomfort on and off for about a month and a half now. I went to ER had Xray came out ok. Had a follow up X-ray two weeks later with GP all clear. After that I vowed to get excersise everyday, swimming, biking, qigong.

My chest discomfort went away and now for about a week it came back again. its on and off. I started worrying of lung cancer since I had this cough for two months that didnt go away. It wasnt all the time, mostly in the morning then went away. For the past week its gone. I do get tickly feeling in my throat but i clear my throat it goes away. Last week i noticed wheez in the morning but went away, now I'm constantly checking if I have wheezing....

I keep reading stories of what lung cancer feels like, when it was diagnosed, etc. A lot of them had missed xrays, long cough, chest pain.... I'm so tired of this life like this... I'm a non smoker (smoked some cigarillos but never inhaled the smoke for about a year), I'm 30, not overweight... I'm just so freaked out. Scared... and tired! :(

What can I do :( I'm so worried...

11-06-13, 20:23
Jus letting you kno im d exact same im going for a chest x ray tmro so scared I feel for u

12-06-13, 13:42
Thank you. I hope all goes well for you. Let us know

12-06-13, 17:40
Well had d chest x ray today was no big deal really it's waiting for the results that's killing me. I jus keep thinking dis is it im gonna find out I have lc an only have months to live. So depressed at this point im only 22 and have a five month old baby and im a single mother so the thought of dying and leaving him is making me go almost insane with worry. Just seems everything adds up t lc the cough the back rib an chest pain wish it would just go away so I'd know im ok. How are u have u been to the doctor.

12-06-13, 20:39
No didn't go to the doctor. I had 2 xrays both came back normal. My cough is almost gone. And my chest pain is on and off... so I'll try to do sports, swimming, relaxing and see how it goes for a week and if nothing gets better I'm going back...

I hate doctors... And I know what you mean by waiting... waiting is killing me as well..

12-06-13, 22:42
Well if your cough Is going den I'd say it's def not lc. Tink about it if u did have lc and wer having symptoms den surely it would b big enuff to show up on an x ray wouldn't it? I kno thou its very difficult to b logical when your convinced there's something sinister wrong with your body and lets face it what wer really afraid of is that we have this so wer dying. I wish I could be logical myself but I cant. Its hard to b logical when one half of your brain is telling you your dying for definite that it all ads up and you have lc but the other half is telling you its something alot less serious and that your overreactin...jus don't know which half Is the right one and which is trying to convince me of something thats not true. If that makes any sense at all.

13-06-13, 11:33
Rockoo, does your doctor suspect asthma?

13-06-13, 12:06
could be hayfever i get it where in the mornings i cough then it goes, if it were something more sinister it would stay around and not be time dependant blessings