View Full Version : Antibiotics and tiredness

04-10-06, 15:49
Does anyone know if antibiotics can make u feel tired? I'm just getting over tonsilitis (have had it before) and on the last day of antibiotics and I am SO tired :-( I've had tonsilitis before as i said but i have not had it for a few years so cant remember if antibiotics have made me feel like this before!

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

04-10-06, 15:54
more likely the fact that you have been poorly and your immune is a little low........
You will pick up now you have recovered. Just dont over do it x

Hay x

04-10-06, 20:13
Hi Ya

Yes antibiotics wipe me out !! Takes a couple of weeks to get out ogf your system but drinking probiotic drinks will help.

Good luck
