View Full Version : Best advice I can give :)

11-06-13, 22:31
Hello , I just wanted to share with you something that has really helped me start to tackle my health anxiety , and this is to find a really good , understanding doctor! I was absolutely mortified when I opened my post to see my go had asked to see me for a non urgent appointment, so off I trotted wondering why on earth he wanted to see me this morning? And guess what? He just asked "how are you doing? How's the citalopram going? Is there anything if like me to check out today? And would u like to come back in a month to do the same ?" He also said I'm worlds away from where I was last time he saw me, that I'm doing really well and I'm in tip top shape :D very happy me tidy. Its not easy to find a great gp, but its so important :) I still have really bad days, but I have more good days :) and i would urge anyone suffering with health anxiety to talk about it, to a friend, partner, gp anyone ... I'm more certain than ever this can be beaten! Xxx hugs 50

11-06-13, 23:34
How lovely to read your story.

I don't suffer Health Anxiety but I couldn't agree more that a good GP makes such a difference. Mine has seen me every 2-3 weeks for the past 17 months (since I had a breakdown). He always has time to listen, shows interest and empathy and has supported me 100% along the way. I know others are just not that lucky and have had awful experiences with their doctor. What a shame, we all deserve to be treated with dignity, care and respect. I don't really know where I would be now without such a great doctor.

I would also say be open and honest (if you can) with any sort of anxiety, it really is good to talk. Once I became more open about mine, it was like a big weight lifted off my shoulders and I no longer had to pretend and give my oscar winning performance "I'm doing just great" when inside I was a quivering wreck.

I hope you continue to go from strength to strength 50, and what a lovely positive post. All the best.

Kitti :hugs: x