View Full Version : Afraid I've contracted HIV

Bob Sacmano
12-06-13, 03:36
A couple months ago I was out to a bar with some friends and I went into the bathroom to pee. When I came out of the bathroom I noticed I had gotten something on my hand. Thinking nothing of it I just wiped it in my pants and went back to my friends. The next day I realized that it kind of looked like semen and now I'm afraid I got HIV from rubbing my hand near my mouth or on a pimple on my forehead or something. Is it possible that I contracted HIV?

12-06-13, 04:18
Highly highly unlikely. Plus HIV doesnt live outside the body.
I know how it is to be fearful and how your anxiety can get your mind going. Try and relax. And its a 99.99999% you didnt.contract HIV.

12-06-13, 07:43
More like 99.9999999999999999999999999999% you do not have HIV!

15-06-13, 07:11
Bob your imagination is running wild. You do not have HIV. End of mate

02-07-13, 06:02
It's okay mate, no one was jerking off in the bar restroom. HIV is not out to get u, don't let this fear fester. Drop it. You are fine.

02-07-13, 06:03
It's okay mate, no one was jerking off in the bar restroom. HIV is not out to get u, don't let this fear fester. Drop it. You are fine.