View Full Version : Hello..........

04-10-06, 17:30
I found this site this morning whilst searching for some information on "citalopram" and I have to say I'm pretty impressed!!

I have just been prescribed the aforementioned following a few visits to the Docs following a fungal infection!! Confused??

I have suffered with anxiety/stress/depression bouts now for around 15 years....well thats when it was first diagnosed...I reckon it has been much longer than that but it all come to a head early 90's.

Cutting a longish story short, for now, I was medically retired from teaching in July 05 and am struggling to find my way back into something worthwhile. As a result, I seem to be being pulled back on a downward spiral.

I am 51, married 26yrs, supportive wife, 2 kids b17/g14, nice house, good friends, relatively comfortable surrounded with most material stuff, loads of books, 1000's of albums/cds......and thoroughly p*ssed off!! I am tending more and more to avoid situations or dread the ones I can't avoid.

Currently I am a house husband, a job I had when first diagnosed but the kids were far more dependant then. I do most of the chores/shopping etc but find little satisfaction in it...in fact I often feel guilt!!

It will be interesting to see how use of this site develops as I do tend to use web forums a fair bit.

My name is Iain....the username is where I live + one of my favourite genres of music (no relation!!)

Laisez les bon temp roulez

04-10-06, 17:38
Hi Iain

And a BIG warm welcome to you !

You sure have come to the right place to get lots of good advice and make new friends.



04-10-06, 17:49
Hi Iain,

Welcome to the forum :)

I think we all analyze everything and end up constantly in a catch 22 situation. I am a house wife and I don't think there is anything wrong with that, why should it be any different because you are male?

All I can say is read the forum lots and you may pick up tips but above all you will find support.

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

04-10-06, 17:53
Hi Iain,

A big warm welocme to you. You will get lots of help and support here.

Take Care


04-10-06, 18:01
hi iain

welcome to the forum


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

04-10-06, 19:39
Hi Iain welcome to NMP hope you find some answers here. I was a full time mum when diagnosed so understand where you are coming from

Take Care


04-10-06, 20:16
Hi Iain - i too found this site when i was looking for information on citalopram! Thank god i did it has been great for me while i have been off work sick. The chat room is great when you are feeling low - mind you it can be hard to keep up and everyone seems to know each other. They are all pretty friendly though. Hopefully you will find the site as useful as i do. Take care - Nicola.x


04-10-06, 20:47
hi iain,

welcome the site

Sue K with 5
05-10-06, 14:11
Hi Iian

Welcome to NMP!! your story is a very familiar one for most of us. This site has been of huge help to people who have like yourself sufferedf for many years but managed to fend it off.

My story dates back as far as I can remember yet it has only been in the last 5 years now that my life has been so badly affected by them

I am now in a position where I have got tomake some life changing decisions one of which was to resign from my job yesterday, I work from home but have found that because of my agoraphobia I am lucky if I can make the school run now.

Good luck in finding the resources and support I am sure this site will be of a huge benefit to you



05-10-06, 14:27
Hi and welcome

Hay x

07-10-06, 14:18
Hi Iain

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely, supportive people here and get some great advice and help!


08-10-06, 13:25
Hi Iain,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'