View Full Version : Desperate and so scared...

12-06-13, 14:51
On Monday i started having some symptoms of UTI, discomfort when weeing, dull ache on my right side. Went to the doc and had protein and blood in urine so was given some trimethoprim. This morning i woke up and i felt even worse urge for loo after i've just been. And i've been taking the med for 2 days now! I sholdnt feel worse. I then had like blood when i with wee. I am also due period and i feel like period pains but they could be just uti! So i dont have a clue if this is blood because of uti or is it period starting...I am really really panicked!!! I am worried something terrible is wrong with my kidneys ....

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

I am panicking even more now, i dont know if i feel spaced out because of panic or i am getting even worse, maybe my kidneys are failing. I still have some blood and i am not sure what it is and i see like bubbles in the toilet after i go which must mean proteins...:-( why am i so bad at coping when something is wrong with me. I have this feeling of dread!

---------- Post added at 14:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

I had the appointment. She tried to get my culture but results were not ready so she gave me another antibiotic in the meantime. I had protein and leucocytes and more then anything blood. I am now really really scared, cant stop crying, i am worried the antibiotics wont work, the infection will take over me, i keep checking my temperature... I am a wreck!

12-06-13, 16:18
Hi Mila, I had a recurring uti and it took 2 lots of antibiotics before it cleared.
Try not to worry.

12-06-13, 16:23
Hi Flori what were your symptoms? Seeing blood scared me more than anything else really.

12-06-13, 16:30
Hi uti are stubborn and hard to get shot of, blood from uti is not unusual, if its your period you will be bleeding inbetween weeing, dont worry it will go try drinking plenty to flush your system through, try not to wear tight fitting clothes, and forgo underwear it all helps blessings

12-06-13, 16:37
Like yourself mila, it was blood and the need to go wee all the time although it was only a dribble:)
The blood scared me too but it will go away. Try not to worry.

As aggie said, drink lots to flush it out.

12-06-13, 16:39
ive had about 4 UTIs since the beginning of this year as the tablets didnt clear it up in the first time and it just continued, try not to panic x

12-06-13, 16:58
Mila just had a kidney infection myself and was hospitalised it was pure agony I couldn't even walk properly, u would know if u had one Hun without sounding disgusting you would wee pure infection :/ ew lol xx try not to panic Hun, just take the antibiotics rest lots and keep hydrated xxx hugs 50