View Full Version : Good Days And Bad Days

12-06-13, 11:32
I have days where I can take on the world and feel fantastic then I have days where I feel shaky, tired, dizzy, emotional and aching body.
Why cant I just have the good days??
does anyone else feel like this?
I have to stay strong as I have a 2 year old and I am on medication and have been for a while and I have undergone a full CBT therapy and I know in my mind nothing bad is going to happen and that if it did someone would help me.
I also question myself alot by saying "have you ever actually fainted NO" "have you ever fell over from feeling dizzy NO" Over the past year I have got alot better but still sick of having days of feeling like crap.
The thing is if I feel any weird bodily sensation I assume the worst and escalate my symptoms :weep:

12-06-13, 13:39
This is something I am working on too. I think it's the nature of recovery from anxiety to have good and bad days. I could play snooker or golf every day and I'll have good days and bad days for no apparent reason. I might even have good days when feeling like crap or bad days when feeling great! with anxiety there is big mix of brain chemicals, physiologic processes, external factors, memory, thoughts and beliefs. It's inevitable that recovery will be bumpy and lumpy.

You might also take a light note of things that might affect the good and bad days (if anything at all). Might be not eating enough greens or too much sugary foods for example. Or simply how much sleep you had the night before.

We have to remember too that there is years of conditioning that we have to contend with. Years of emotional reactive memories. It takes time for the brain to undo and build new connections. There is of course levels of trust you have too. In other words there is a difference between knowing that an anxious symptom won't hurt you and KNOWING an anxiety symptom won't hurt you! The latter requires active experience rather than belief.