View Full Version : Re: Hi Everyone

12-06-13, 12:18
i'm21 student from tunisia. i've been dealing with social anxiety since i was about 13. was molested by my eldest brother when i was about 6 and i think it's closely related to my problem? i've neve spoke to anyone in direct about it, i dont have any experience with medication nor with counselor or psychiatrics. i just kept it for myself. it's like VERY unbarable. while in class, the lessons are the last thing i could think of because i'm very busy being totured with what others might be thinking about me. i have this swallowing problem sometimes it keeps me from breathing confortably wich makes things even worse. i push myself to the limits to controll it. along with coures it seems like impossible to understand anything at all. but somehow and with BIG BIG effort i get the lessons. it takes about half an hour and then i feel gradually releifed and then immideatly sad. it's kinda like a cycle. what the hell is wrong with me. anyone has any tips on how to avoid this. it's scary an depressing. thanx in advance

12-06-13, 16:25
Hi motorhead and :welcome:

Sorry to hear that, you really need to get professional help.

12-06-13, 17:34
Hi motorhead and :welcome:

Sorry to hear that, you really need to get professional help.

Hey flori :) thanx i apreciate your concern but this is not as easy as you may think. due to our harsh culture and norms it is allmost impossible for one to seek help with issues like child molestation. i've seen cases of similar victims being victimized by their society. first off you'll be discriminated from others and avoided for either because they think your gay or a phsycho in both cases your friends wont hang out with you any longer because they worry if other's seen them with you. same thing goes for family they may deny everything you say just to keep face. i can't risk gonig to the uni counselor and be seen. even if i did ...i'm concerned if my family knew about my medication. guess i'll stick with finding a good friend to speak to it's all i can do. i do have great friends but i have really big trust issue

12-06-13, 17:45
Hi motorhead.

I never thought it would be easy for any victim of child molestation to tell, no matter where they came from. But never realized your culture was so harsh.
Sorry about that.

12-06-13, 18:02
the only activity i stil enjoy without being anxious is sport. i count the secconds waiting for summer vacation to get back to workout. i spend the day running swimming and body weight training. it's a good opportunity for me to share some talents with others and have a bit self esteem boost. whenever i accomplish a hard move like one hand push ups or a full planche i feel like anything is possible. to put it in a nut shell, spring and summer vacations are heaven the rest of the year are hell. tell me about your yourself flori i'm intregued :)