View Full Version : Just been told I need a tooth extraction - never had one before- TERRIFIED!!

12-06-13, 13:01
Oh God, oh God, oh God!!! I've not been having any luck with my teeth this year for some reason, and I've now just been told I've got to have one of my top molars removed.:weep: I am absolutely petrified!

I have a severe panic anxiety disorder, GAD and agoraphobia, so getting to the dentist is near enough impossible at the best of times. How on earth am I going to do this?!! I already feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown over it and the appointment isn't even until next Wednesday!:weep:

12-06-13, 13:20
Oh I do feel for you :hugs: I am having my last wisdom tooth extracted next Tuesday. The first one I had removed, I was feeling exactly as you are now...I really do not know how I made it through the dentists door!! But I have to say, my dentist was brilliant, aware of my anxiety (so do let them know how you are feeling, they are used to it) and I really didn't feel a thing. In fact the tooth was out before I even realised.

I will be nervous next week but I know it wont be too bad and as it is now the 3rd one I am having out (broke them all grinding my teeth at night!) I will really not be worried about the extraction at all. I think the injections are worse but even then is only a couple osf seconds of feeling a little uncomfortable then it's all over ;)

Take someone along with you for moral support and give their hand a big squeeze...you will be fine. The thought is always worse than the actual deed.

Best of luck to you, Kitti :) x

12-06-13, 13:23
Thank you Kittikat xx:hugs:

I think I'm more worried about having a panic attack in the chair while they're doing it, so the quicker it is the better. I'm fine with needles and things and I'm not worried about it hurting either. How irrational is that?!:blush:

12-06-13, 13:34
No, it's not irrational at all...I am sure you will cope really well once you get there :winks:

Let me know how you get on. Just try not to think that far ahead now. You are probably much stronger than you think, and we do always seem to imagine the worst don't we!! :hugs: xx

12-06-13, 14:31
I had one removed 3 weeks ago and my dentist said I am the most anxious patient he has ever seen! He was really good me though and allowed me to take some diazepam the night before and he also gave me sedation (not all dentists offer this).

12-06-13, 15:49
Hi Annie,

Glad you've found a good dentist. Mine is really lovely too-he couldn't stop apologising when he realised what I needed done! I've tried Diazepam, but it doesn't really seem to help me for some reason. :(

12-06-13, 22:12
I've had teeth removed (two for braces and my four wisdom teeth - just call my Gappy!) and, believe me, it's fine. I hate dentists but once you have the local anaesthetic you don't feel a thing. It's fine :)

Let the dentist know you feel a bit panicky, they'll be more gentle and will stop if you want them to.

12-06-13, 23:13
I agree with the others - it sounds much worse than it actually is. Kitty's spot on - the injection's the worst bit and the actual extraction is over before you realise. I've had my wisdom teeth out - the first time I asked the dentist when he was going to start and he said it was over!

Salt water rinsing afterwards is the key to it healing well but I'm sure your dentist will talk you through that.

It'll be fine, honest!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Pip x

12-06-13, 23:30
Don't worry. You're strong enough!! Dentists can be a little scary, but like everyone else said. It'll be over before you know it! Good luck!

13-06-13, 18:11
Thanks guys, I really appreciate all your kind words xxx the appointment has been moved forward to tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., so I am currently in a state of meltdown! At least it will be over with.:scared15: