View Full Version : Hi....Im new here but not to panic disorder

12-06-13, 18:55

Im 52 and live in manhattan. Have had panic disorder, on and off, for 22 years. Ive done CBT(several rounds), psychotherapy, reikki..weekly with a psychiatrist, accupuncture...weekly with a dr, hypnosis, biofeedback(LENS) weekly with a therapist, etc etc etc and have also done meds but at very low doses...cant tolerate them(ie 5 to 10 mg prozac and .25mg klonopin). Ive achieved remission in the past with medication, diet change, etc....I lose consciousness with my major panics(faint, wake up vomiting, drenched in sweat and shaking for hrs) and i have a real fear of fainting when i panic, esp in a public place. I excercise and try to keep healthy. About 13 months ago i came off my 5mg prozac(thats all i was on for years) and actually felt ok...meditated daily, therapy, etc.....i had some bumps when sandy flooded my parents home, aunt died and job stress, but i didnt relapse into panic. IN April 2013, I relapsed.....started to have anxiety 24/7 etc etc.....went back on 5mg prozac.....in the midst of this, i lost my job(it was my safe job with panic disorder....felt ok there, etc....i was there for 9 yrs). The loss of jon in the midst of a relapse caused undue stress. I feel the prozac somewhat helps mood but makes me feel medicated and that makes me panic, make sense? I recently switched to generic fluoxetine liquid and moved it up to 6mg......at points i feel calmer and less depressed but at oter ponts i feel medicated and nauseous which makes me panic.....i dont know what to do.....do i stop meds and hope for the best or what? depressing

13-06-13, 10:48
Hi Welcome. you have gone through quite a lot recently. It often happens that we stay strong through the events but then relapse after.
It sounds like you haven't been on the increased dose of meds for long so I would give it a bit longer to see if you start to feel better.