View Full Version : Scared Melanoma this time

12-06-13, 20:42
So as you probably know I'm just jumping from one thing to another at the moment.

This time it's melanoma. I've always been vigilant about moles and freckles because I'm so fair skinned and was stupid in the sun when I was younger (Before we knew the dangers) and my doctor is a dermatologist so he checks anything I'm worried about but I can't stop worrying about Melanoma.

I've got a mole I've had all my life, I don't think it's changed, it's quite large and it's light brown but has a few little brown dots in it which look a bit like freckles. It's perfectly round, has been the same size, no itching, changing or anything like that.

But I've been reading on Dr google about skin cancer, someone please slap me for doing this again!!!

And it says sometimes the changes with melanoma are very subtle and may not be obvious, it then says that sometimes it can be growing down into the skin so that's it I am in complete panic.

My doctor checked this mole years ago and said it was absolutely nothing to worry about but I've also read about how moles are normally one colour and mine isn't it definately is two colours but as I say I don't think that's anything new.

So I now think I've had melanoma for years and years which is growing beneath the skin and I can't see the changes and it's too late to do anything about it.

The other thing about HA I've noticed and I don't know if anyone else can relate to this is that I always think I'm missing things, even though I probably check every inch of my body more often than most people I always fear that I'm not seeing something and as a result by the time it's found it will be too late to do anything.

I started CBT last week can't wait for my next session, really feel that I need to bring this up with the therapist!

13-06-13, 08:20
Your therapist is the best one to deal with this. You obviously know it's nothing to worry about, you just have to convince your mind of that.

13-06-13, 14:39
I had my moles checked last week. Mine have stretched and grown over the years but were all benign.
Sounds like you just need to hear it from your doc. If its not changing dont stress just keep up the regular checks with your doc.

13-06-13, 17:16
Thanks Guys

Why do we do this to ourselves, I just wish I could have a period in my life where I don't think I'm dying from cancer!

It's awful I always feel like I'm missing something, my husband would no more dream of checking his body than fly to the moon and he never worries about anything. I long to be able to do this it must be bliss living in ignorance!