View Full Version : Now it is prostate cancer worries

12-06-13, 21:47
Since when for my Sigmoidoscopy about worrying about bowel cancer) with this abdominal pain etc. It was the worst experience. I got given a rectum exam before going ahead with the sigmoidoscopy (so probably my prostate got felt as well) no polyps were found etc.

I may need to go back in a few months time to see how I am.

There was a piece in the evening news (for our region) about prostate cancer, so we can save more lives by spotting signs. I am worried that prostate cancer could be a silent killer.

My mum says I am too young at 29 to be worrying about prostate cancer. I don't have to get up regular during the night to wee, flow is fine, no urge to wanting to rush to wee or no difficult wanting to wee. We don't have any prostate cancer in the family, I am hoping my Dad also remembers when he go to the doctors for regular appointments about blood pressure/ his tablets for a condition he has to reduced it happening, to seek getting his prostate checked out.

I have tried to stay off Google, which has been hard.

I am getting a little bit closer now of seeking help, had an appointment this week, fantastic may be a few months to see someone regular but it a start.

13-06-13, 08:18
Your mum is right - you are far too young to have prostate cancer. Men who get it are older and it's usually very slow so they die of old age first. The ones that are not slow have very definate symptoms which you do not have.
Get that help, spending your life worrying is not worth it.