View Full Version : Sorry need help

12-06-13, 23:07
I am very desparate in need of help,
I have searched and searched for help for ages.
I suffer from agoraphobia, depression and anxiety. I have recently twice tried to kill myself due to the problems I will let you know about below.
I have been ill for sevaral years and placed into Incapacity Benefit,
Due to the changes I was re assest and then placed into ESA Work Related for 365 days which are now expiring, my illness has not expired and due to this happening my illness has got worse with the worry.
I was told to go to:
Welfare Rights
Citizen Rights
Also get a Solicitor.
All the above I was told by my Doctor and another Doctor I'm under which is from the local mental health hospital, but what I don't understand... Not ONE allows my illness of "agoraphobia", I wish I could go and see them and explain my case but I can't. I must let you know the only reason the Doctor from the local mental health hospital is only involved because I took an overdose because of my problems.
Can I ask you to PLEASE guide me to some help which wont need me to go outside my home, I know it;'s a long ask but I am very desperate.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

12-06-13, 23:23
Hi redgt9 and :welcome:

Sorry to hear of your problems.

I`m not 100% clued up on esa, but if you were assessed and put on to esa for a year, ATOS obviously found you unfit for work.

As you say your illness has not changed. Re-apply and ask if someone from Welfare Rights will visit you and help fill out the forms.

There is also a site that helps sick/disabled people and it is very good.

Hope this link to them works


13-06-13, 20:45
Hello flori, thank you for your reply. I will certainly check out the link and the information you supplied.