View Full Version : Mouth problems still...

13-06-13, 00:51
Hey guys, how are you all doing?. It's been a while since I've posted (few weeks I think)

My fears right now are still based within the mouth area and involves cancer. That's because I do have genuine symptoms and I don't think it's because of anxiety, sure the severity of them may be increased a little by it, but I think what I'm experiencing isn't all in the mind.

I have a swelling/lump thing on the back right side of my tongue, around my foliate papillae for almost 2 months now (you cannot see it at all only feel it), the right side of my tongue is elevated a tiny bit more than the left; but it may have always been like that, I get the occasional burning sensation/ache on the back of my tongue sometimes on both sides, my cheeks occasionally ache mildly sometimes, I've had a sore throat for around the same length of thine as the swelling; maybe a little less time, and I get on and off earache. Along with some other things that as well :(.

I've been to the doctors numerous times (seen 6 different doctors, and one said I should be worried about it. It's easy to focus on the negatives) and they say I'm "too young" to have this type of cancer so won't refer me for any proper tests. Which I'm sorry is a load of s**t. It may be RARE in my age group, especially with no risk factors; but not impossible by any means. My dentist on the other hand has checked it and says he doesn't think it's anything to worry about but seeing as my tongue has been swollen/has a lump for this length of time, is referring me to a specialist and I'm so damned terrified.

Anyway sorry for that ^ it wasn't even necessary to what I want to ask, at least I don't think so; I hope not anyway.

Right so my question is about the roof of my mouth, it's a bit white in colour on the hard palette, not lesions or patchy but more discoloured to being white as opposed to pink. Any idea why this could be?.

Could any of the meds I've been taking have done this?

I was prescribed omeprazole by my GP to see if an acid reflux could be causing the throat irritation (and it does feel a bit better since taking them actually), and an inhaler to use when my breathing gets a bit funny (ususlly at night, I did use to have asthma when I was a kid, but it 'went away' years ago) though I've only had to use it once so far, I've been using a nasal spray for the past couple of weeks incase it's a post-nasal drip as well (Avamys the stuff is called).

I don't have a doctors appointment until the 25th of June, so can't have doctor look at it yet, I'm just curious really as to what it may be and if it could be to do with one or more of the meds I've been given.

So any ideas people? Obviously I'm not looking for a diagnosis just an idea to stop my mind from wandering even more than it already has.