View Full Version : Brain Aneurysm - Symptoms???

13-06-13, 10:52
I'm wondering if anyone out there knows anything about aneurysms or what the symptoms are like. I need reassurance I've convinced myself that I'm going to die of brain aneurysm soon. I've been having pain in my left temple for over a week and a half now, like a spasm of shooting pain that comes and goes. Other times it feels really tight and tense. I've seen 3 doctors but no one will seem to help me or seems concerned about this chronic pain. Had a blood test that came out normal. I had a dizzy spell two days ago where I almost fainted and have been suffering dizziness and nausea ever since. Have no idea what to do. Have had my eyes checked out two months ago so I know it's not vision problems.

Can symptoms of an aneurysm last for days/weeks like I've been experiencing?? Also would the symptoms come and go? I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was so worried I was going to die in the night and wouldn't wake up in the morning.

13-06-13, 11:28
Your symptoms do not sound anything like a typical aneurysm.

13-06-13, 11:38
Thank you. I have to keep reminding myself it's not an aneurysm (then other times I convince myself it's a blood clot) at least until my next doc appointment but sometimes I get so afraid and worked up. Of course I keep imagining that it could be anything and it's so scary to feel this way all the time

13-06-13, 11:55
Well rest assured, I have never heard of an aneurysm presenting like this, and there's nothing in the literature which matches those symptoms.

13-06-13, 12:02
if you are still worried go back to the drs, that is why they are there, headpain/aches are from lots of different causes are you a sufferer of hayfever because that can cause head pain, dont suffer in scilence get some help take care blessings

13-06-13, 14:42
I had a friend die of a brain aneurysm, woke up with a headache, went to the kitchen to get a tablet, died on the short walk. Just like that. Mostly they go undetected until too late.

13-06-13, 15:36
That's so scary, that means hypothetically anyone could die of one at any time!!

Does anyone know if the same is true for blood clots/what the symptoms are? If it's not one thing my crazy mind jumps to the next :weep: