View Full Version : I have a fear of Karren Brady...

13-06-13, 11:16
I know this might be a weird one, but I seem to have developed a fear of Karren Brady (off The Apprentice)!

It's ever since I watched her on Piers Morgan's Life Stories, where she was talking about how she had a brain aneurysm and it just showed up on a routine checkup, she had no symptoms or anything and when she had her operation there was like an 80% chance she wouldn't survive or something ridiculous like that.
When I watched that I started looking her up on the internet, reading more about her aneurysm, and my anxiety really kicked in. I've been convinced since that I've had a brain aneurysm and perhaps like her I've just got no symptoms.

It's developed into an actual fear of watching The Apprentice now, which is a shame as it's something both my partner and I would sit down and watch together every week but I keep making my excuses not to watch it. As soon as I see her on the screen I start to get my "symptoms" - feeling like I'm sinking, lightheaded, vision goes a bit off, basically like I'm going to pass out.

Has anyone ever had anything similar, like anxiety triggered by a tv programme/film etc? It's definitely a tough one to try and explain! :blush:

13-06-13, 11:25
Hi, I have not had a fear of illness from a person as such, but two years ago I was very stressed and run down felt so ill, the panic attacks returned and I ended up in hospital for a brain scan, first they thought stroke then I had a MRI for brain clot etc all came back clear and was told the pain I was in, numbness, tingling etc were all in my head and down to panic and anxiety. I went home still unconvinced and spent many hours googling what was wrong with me. It took me three months to get back on track and that there was nothing wrong with me. Hope this passes for you too. I wish we had a switch where we could turn our thoughts off.
Take care

14-06-13, 12:01
Slightly similar, I used to think I had HIV (totally unfounded, just a paranoia) and would get panic attacks with any mention of it or reading about it and couldn't watch eastenders as it was in the storyline at the time

14-06-13, 12:50
I developed a fear of Brian Cox because his Wonders of the Universe series gave me existential angst when I had DP/DR! Seriously, I couldn't even watch him on interviews. Seems really funny now but it was very real at the time x