View Full Version : Tooth extraction appointment just been brought forward to tomorrow - full blown panic

13-06-13, 12:50
I was supposed to be having a tooth taken out next Wednesday (first time I've ever had it done) so I was already having panic and anxiety, but the dentist has just phoned to say it's been moved to tomorrow and now I'm completely losing it - can't eat, sit still, major panic attacks, feeling sick. How the hell am I going to do this tomorrow?:weep:

13-06-13, 13:14
Aww, you'll do it...I hope you have someone to go with you. Do you have any diazepam? I always have an extra one about an hour before I go ;)

Try to put all the negative thoughts out of your mind until tomorrow if you can. Think positive thoughts, tell yourself you can do this and you will. You will be so proud of what you have achieved when it's all over and done with. Good luck hun :hugs: xx

13-06-13, 14:16
I would see this as a positive, you are going to have it done much sooner than you expected. By tomorrow evening it will all be over with and you will be wondering why you got so stressed. :hugs:

13-06-13, 15:10
Thanks guys xx

I've been suffering from GAD and severe panic for so many years now, I just find it virtually impossible to get these negative thoughts out of my head.

I do have 2mg diazepam tablets but it's tricky because I find 1mg isn't quite enough and 2mg makes me way too woozy! I'm hopeless!:)

13-06-13, 15:48
I took 6mg the night before I went but the dentist had said I could take it. My previous dentist had said that I had to sign something to say I would not take any medication!!! My reason for changing dentists. My new dentist is qualified in anxiety control and is so lovely.

13-06-13, 17:07
You'll be fine! My husband has today had 7 back teeth removed in one hit :ohmy: (he needs radiotherapy for tongue cancer) and is sitting at home now saying he feels a fraud. Teeth were extracted at 9am and he doesn't really need painkillers and is tucked up in front of the TV milking it!

13-06-13, 17:52
Oh bless him. Xx i wish him well with his treatment :hugs:

---------- Post added at 17:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:50 ----------

I took 6mg the night before I went but the dentist had said I could take it. My previous dentist had said that I had to sign something to say I would not take any medication!!! My reason for changing dentists. My new dentist is qualified in anxiety control and is so lovely.

I'm so glad you've found someone like that Annie.x Mine is ok, but I don't think they really get how horrendous it is, particularly one of the female dentists who can be quite rude and abrupt. :weep:

The guy I'm seeing tomorrow is really nice, but isn't qualified in anything related to anxiety bless him.

13-06-13, 20:00
I completely understand how terrifying this is. But it's a good thing it's been brought foreard as you have less time to feel this way. You are going to be fine. People have teeth extracted every day and survive the experience.

Your dentist is nice and must be used to dealing with anxious patients even without any formal qualifications.

Can you maybe cut a diazepam into quarters and take 1.5mg?

Good luck tomorrow!

14-06-13, 11:45
Well, it's all done! :) The level of panic and anxiety have been the worst I've ever had, but it's finished now. My dentist was amazing which really helped too. Thank you for all the kind words of support :hugs:

14-06-13, 11:52
Awww, well done!! You must be very proud of yourself and relieved it's all over too!!

Have a rest and put your feet up now :yesyes: :bighug1: :flowers: xxx

14-06-13, 12:18
So pleased it's all over now :)

Have yourself a good rest today, you deserve it!

14-06-13, 12:34
Thanks guys and I definitely am! :bighug1:

Just a quicky, does anyone know how long it should bleed for afterwards?

14-06-13, 12:56
If it is still bleeding, bite on a piece of gauze if you have some (or use a tampon as I did!). Try to stay sitting up as if you lie down it bleeds more.

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

A dried out (used) tea bag placed over the gum helps the blood to clot as well.

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

oops...and I should have said a BIG well done :D

14-06-13, 13:05
It should only bleed for a couple of hours or so, maybe a bit longer, until the blood congeals. As Annie says, keep biting on the gauze (or tampon! :doh:lol) for as long as you can. Perhaps by tonight you could do a mild salt mouth rinse, I found that really helped too.

You done great hun !! xx

14-06-13, 13:10
Yes I did the salt rinses for a couple of weeks after, rinsing a few times a day (and after food) Like Kitti says, don't rinse straight away though; I think I was told 24 hours to give the blood chance to clot.

14-06-13, 14:11
Thanks guys, sat here looking very sexy right now with a massive bit of gauze sticking out of my mouth lol! No tampons available unfortunately:winks:

14-06-13, 14:17
:) Make sure you rest and relax today :)