View Full Version : panicky

13-06-13, 14:38
im so panicky my 5yr old son has gone on a day trip today with school. my daughter whent tuesday i felt ok but still edgy. but i just feel panicky have done all day. & i got to go to work when realy i should be collecting him but can,t because work. so my mum fetches the kids. i had an unknown short call. don,t know who it was wich as left me more panicky. i hope his ok..

13-06-13, 14:45
I am exactly the same, every missed call I have which is an "unknown" number I immediately think something has happened to one of the kids, I once spoke to school about this and the secretary said that they keep trying the number again and again, so if I had say 10 missed calls of an unknown number it may be the school, many a time I have rang school to check that they haven't been trying to get me, due to having a missed call from an unknown number and they have always been fine with me doing this. Try not to worry, easier said than done I know

13-06-13, 23:30
thank you lollymandy.