View Full Version : What does Leaving fluoxetine in hot car/sunlight do to the meds?

13-06-13, 15:07
I left my prozac in my car for a couple days, I live in Phoenix, Arizona USA and it has been about 90-113' degrees Fahrenheit lately, and ever since I have done that it feels like my prozac stopped working. I have it for slight OCD and anxiety disorder and it feels like my anxiety is back with full force :( I was doing GREAT for awhile, I'm on week 6, but the last 5 days I've felt like crap and had a lot of anxiety. Also I drank on the night I left the prozac in the car so in the morning I took a hot pill, and have been having anxiety ever since :(

So does leaving your meds in a hot car/sunlight harm tr pills? I know it does for some medications, but does it for fluoxetine ? Please get back to me, I wanna know if I should go get another bottle of it so I can feel better... :'(

13-06-13, 16:11
It says on the Fluoxetine leaflet that heat can destroy medicines and you should not leave them on a window sill or in the car. They should be kept in a cool place. So...Yes I would get another bottle.

13-06-13, 20:00
Will if cause any harm to me?

13-06-13, 23:22
I believe it will just lose its potency but I'd suggest calling your pharmacist for advice.

17-06-13, 14:27
Oh I see, it may have been this then...

17-06-13, 14:44
Yeah cause it seriously feels like I haven't even been taking then the past week :( and I really don't think alcohol would cause it to be ineffective for THIS long....