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View Full Version : Bad day, fed up

Mr m anxious
13-06-13, 15:59
I was doing well for about a week but once again got up this morning with aching left shoulder, neck and chest and feared the worst. Of course by fearing the worst I make myself tense and I ache even more, yes...the anxiety vicious circle. Neurologist in less than two weeks now, hopefully he'll put my mind at rest and tell me it's all tension and not a disease which all the doctors ive seen so far have said.

13-06-13, 16:06
I feel the exact same way. I'm at my wits end. I've been having severe pain in my left arm/side of my chest and tingling and all other sorts of problems on top of my headaches. Yet my doctor won't even refer me to a neuro. I feel like I am going crazy sometimes. Hope you feel better soon.

13-06-13, 16:06
Sorry you are having a bad day :hugs: Not long to go until your appointment then you will be reassured.

Mr m anxious
13-06-13, 16:20
Poppi sorry to hear your the same but like me it's probably tension. My tense mucles are putting pressure on my nerves so I too am getting tingles in my arm, neck and left side of face. I'm really trying to be logical about all of this but it's so hard.

---------- Post added at 16:20 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

And thanks Annie

13-06-13, 16:27
Mr m,

I am feeling your pain (quite literally).

My neurologist appt isn't for EIGHT weeks, so god knows how I am going to manage till then. Good luck with yours. Please update me after your appt as my symptoms are identical to yours, so I will be interested in what tests they do on you :)

I am having a bad time at the moment too, but like you, I try and tell myself it is all muscle/nerve pain.

13-06-13, 16:38
Thank you, Yes for me I think it's tension and I know exactly what you are going through. It's so hard to stay calm I know I am awake at night imagining the worst things. Please keep us updated on your progress and how everything goes.

Mr m anxious
13-06-13, 17:34
Thanks poppi and Charlie I will keep you posted, I should believe all those doctors I've seen but seeing the neuro feels like D day and the moment, he's my last hope although still might not find anything out, may need MRI.