View Full Version : Scared of choking to death on tablets...

Anxiety Jim
13-06-13, 16:50

All my life i've been scared of choking on tablets, I do all I can to avoid taking them, and if I do have to take them, I always break them in half (if possible). Now I've been prescribe Orlistat (xenical), to help with my weight loss, and they're quite big, they're capsules (I think) that are 2 halves slotted over each other.

Is anyone else afraid of choking on tablets? Whenever I take any I always end up choking, and almost being sick, and quite often the tablets get so soggy in my mouth I have to throw it away and start another.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Also, it came with no information leaflet, because I had a non-standard number of tablets I guess, so I don't know if I can open them up and just take what's inside (i know with most you can't do that).


13-06-13, 17:34
It's all my life, since I was choking as kid, that I am scared of tablets!!!
Now I have to take tablets twice a day... for 10 years :P
but it's good they are not big!
When I found big ones I try to cut them if I can, or to buy soluble versions... or just I panic :P and then ok I am able to swallow..

13-06-13, 17:45
When I was younger I used to open the capsule and put the powder on a spoon and swallow the powder, if that helps? It tastes utterly vile but its not as bad if thats what your afraid of

13-06-13, 21:19
Yes, I have a swallowing problem and haven't done pills in months. Capsules can *usually* be broken open and the granules taken with applesauce or in a glass of water. Check with your doctor or pharmacist because not all capsules can be taken this way.

13-06-13, 22:01
The nurse told my husband to put his tablet in a spoonful of yoghurt and he has found it easier to swallow that way.