View Full Version : Fed up of worrying like this

04-10-06, 21:34
Don't feel I can post on here anymore about whats worrying me because ive done it to death now but I feel so so worried and lonely right now.

No point to this message I suppose, feeling quite sorry for myself tonight.

I feel abit worthless aswell, I didn't get the job I went for and now im doubting whether I will ever work or go to uni to achive what I want to achive.:(

04-10-06, 21:40
Ahh Jem post as much as you want. Also if your wanting just support and warm fuzzies the Virtual Hugs are great! I'll start for ya...


P.S. so sorry you didn't get the job. You'll survive, I'm sure, and you'll find an even BETTER job!


If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

04-10-06, 21:51
Hi Jem,

Sorry bout the job hun dont be too hard on yourself. You are not worthless ok hugs for you xxxx

Take Care


04-10-06, 21:58
Aww thank you both. The virtual hugs are always welcome:-)

Just in alot of pain again with my sinuses, worse than ever infact and im not sure how much more I can take of it, the worry about meningitis is effecting me alot but im having to bottle it up if only for my kids sake but today its got me down so much.

04-10-06, 22:55
Hey I understand about sinus pain, I have bad allergies and sometimes the pressure from my nose swells until I think my head is going to explode.[Wow!] Just think happy thoughts![:P]

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

04-10-06, 23:38
Hi Jem (((((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))).Sorry you didnt get the job pet.Dont let it get to you,you were brave I think just going for the job,I cant even do that.You can post what ever you like we are all here for the same thing,best not to bottle it all up.
take care

Ellen XX

05-10-06, 07:54
The whole point of the site is that were here for each other so dont disapear. Sorry about the job but there will be more!!!

05-10-06, 09:12

I feel for you, like me you seem to be struggling i am sure it is to do with the weather.
I feel very low at the mo, and am terrfied i will never get out of it!

Your not alone

Hay x

05-10-06, 11:56
hi there-hope you are feeling a little better today....forget about the job-it wasnt for you!...there will be plenty of other chances for you-im struggling today too...its my little boys 4th birthday today-i feel so bad i cant give him a party, im putting a brave face on for him...inside im in pieces........sending you my thoughts
take carex

05-10-06, 20:29
Awww thanks again, your all so supportive.

((((hugs))))) to all that need them, hope you feel better soon.

05-10-06, 21:24
Hi Jem.

Hope you are feeling a bit better tonight.

x x