View Full Version : new here

13-06-13, 20:35

I have been suffering from GAD and depression on and off for years, but have mostly tried to self manage it with self help books, yoga, meditation etc. However I was on Citalopram for two years, starting from 10mg and ending up on 40mg. Still getting break through anxiety and depression, so I have just been switched to Setraline 50mg. Hoping they will work better, as just want to feel OK again!
So nice to have this site, and so lovely not to feel that I am not alone with this anymore :)

13-06-13, 21:17
Hi smartie
Welcome to the forum - I'm sure you'll find a lot of support here.

13-06-13, 21:41
Hi :welcome: to the site Smartie.

13-06-13, 23:20
Hi smartie. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're certainly not alone.

All the best.

14-06-13, 12:13
Welcome to the forums! :)