View Full Version : Every second day?

14-06-13, 11:02
Hey, I just wondered if anyone had experience having Fluoxetine every second day for a long time...I have heard when people stop taking Fluoxetine they start to take it less, as in every second day, and the finally they stop.

Recently I was missing days, so much to the point where I was having the 20mg tablet every second day. I wondered if there would be any benefit to having it every second day.

As is the thing I noticed is, I felt good the day I didn't have it, but felt a slight strange change when I had it again.

I'm on almost 3 months into a 20mg dose.

14-06-13, 11:26
hey christopher plz ask ur doc before reducing the dose or weaning of.we all make this move of going off too quickly then start all over again.u need to take med at least 6 months before u go of it.

14-06-13, 11:55
Did your doctor really tell you to start weaning off after being on them for just 3 months? Most doctors would say its best to stay on them for at least 6 months, or possibly longer depending on the severity of your anxiety and what therapy you've had.

14-06-13, 13:58
Hey.. Well I didn't really want to wean off them. I just wondered, since you don't need to take them every single day... If any one had tried take them every second day? I mean I guess you guys are right... I just have a six month script, I haven't gone to a doctor since, just been using this site...

I don't really have a regular doctor or anything.

14-06-13, 21:30
I'm hoping to start a family soon as was switched to fluoxetine because they are deemed safest. Obviously they still have risks to the foetus and thus doctor said ideally they would like to see me on them every other day eventually. I'm only on week four so this is all a long way off yet, but just to let you know that taking it every other day is something that is done, but obviously you'd want your GP to say that first

14-06-13, 22:32
I took 20mg every other day for 7 years and it worked for me, I have 2 friends who do the same and it's working for them too. I took them like this to save on prescription costs, hassle of getting a prescription filled and I would just forget to take them every day.

Fluoxetine has a long half life so it stays in your brain for a long time and it's easier to maintain a steady state with them than some other antidepressants. I didn't stop taking them daily for at least 9 months after starting them and would take them everyday when life got a bit hectic. Doctors have told me that they don't work when taken like this but they did for me.


17-06-13, 14:03
Thanks Sam...

Interesting, yes I think at only 3 months in, I should probably wait longer before I go to every second day. I felt a bit shaky again after trying this, not too bad, but perhaps a warning sign.

Well if you waited 9 months first, maybe I should do the same.