View Full Version : My Health Anxiety Story

14-06-13, 11:35
Ok, I know I've been posting on this forum like mad the past week with my health anxiety, and I appreciate how supportive all of you have been. This forum has been a revelation for me and I'm so so glad I stumbled on it. I have always felt so desperately alone in my anxiety and have always been afraid to share my anxieties with my family, friends, doctor etc. because when I do I am just ridiculed and basically called crazy. But I just felt like sharing my story because I feel like I really need to get it out there and also because I feel like I have actually found a place where I can talk about it and not feel like I'm completely mad.

My story with health anxiety started about two years ago. I was just a normal young women going out, living my life and not really thinking too much about or being too concerned with my health. I wasn't engaging in the healthiest behaviour i.e. wasn't eating the healthiest or sleeping enough, was drinking socially and smoking socially on occasion (I don't even know why because the idea of smoking revolts me. Guess I was just trying to fit in.)

Well, that all changed one night when I was out with some friends...at this time I was taking the combined contraceptive pill for my skin. I was out smoking, drinking, having a great time! But when I went home I felt really sick. I figured I could just sleep it off, but the next morning I felt really sick and incredibly dizzy and my heartbeat was racing like crazy. I tried to just chalk it up to exhaustion, etc. but this continued for like 2 weeks. My vision was blurry, I couldn't focus or concentrate at work, in the mornings I would sit at my desk and I would feel like I was going to have a heart attack. I would hyperventilate for about 10 minutes. I started convincing myself that I had a blood clot because I had been smoking/drinking while on the pill which is a no-no (even though it was far from chronic use) I couldn't stop thinking about it. One day I felt my whole body go tingly and numb and my co-worker rushed me to the ER. I ended up spending a night in the hospital - they never really figured out what was wrong with me and discharged me the next day. I later went to a GP who diagnosed me as having had a panic attack and prescribed me Xanax which I took for over a year whenever I felt the onset of panic. After that health scare I vowed to improve my health - I stopped drinking alcohol as much and when I did it was much more in moderation, I never touched a cigarette again, I improved my diet and also started taking up yoga to help me be more fit, calm and active.

Well even with these healthy lifestyle changes, ever since then life has been a ROLLER COASTER of health anxiety and emotions. I stopped the Xanax when my family doctor told me that it could become addicting even thought I never abused it and so I haven't been managing my anxiety medically in about a year. I go through spells of feeling fine and normal and not thinking about my health, to times where it consumes my every waking thought. I still can't shake the idea that I have a blood clot in my body waiting to kill me from that night 2 years ago even though if I HAD had a blood clot back then I'd be dead by now. But my brain seems to not want to listen to logic. Every little ache and pain I analyze to death esp. in my arms/legs/chest/head.

About 3 weeks ago, out of the blue, I started getting a horrible headache on the left side of my head with pain spreading down to my neck/back/arm. It was so persistent and so painful. I KNEW I was going to die of an aneurysm/stroke/tumour. I just knew this was it. I ended up taking days off of work and visiting my GP and the ER at the hospital about 5 times. Every time I was told it was a tension headache. One day I got so dizzy that I thought I was going to topple over walking home and I ended up in the ER. They told me they didn't find anything wrong with me. I had my vision tested - fine. I had my blood tested - fine. But I couldn't (and still can't) shake this idea that inside my body was a ticking time bomb. I was so fatigued I couldn't get out of bed in the morning and I could barely drag myself around at work it felt like my limbs were heavy, my whole body was heavy. All my energy was literally being drained by this fear. Not just fear of illness but of death because I know my HA is directly linked to my fear of dying and my inability to cope with that thought.

Then, this morning I've just seen my GP again. She talked me down from the height of anxiety and told me that she genuinely, truly doesn't believe it's anything sinister. That she thinks it's muscular and that no signs point to anything worse than that. SO - I suppose right now I am at the point where I have accepted the fact that if it was something bad, it would have happened to me already. And now I actually feel some of those symptoms that I had before - the dizziness, fatigue etc. - have lifted.

I still can't shake the fear that I'm going to die of a blood clot and anytime I feel a pain in my arm/leg/chest my attention immediately goes to that thought. But thinking over what has happened to me, I see the patterns of anxiety and how anxiety really CAN cause such physical symptoms that we are convinced these symptoms are caused by something more real, and of course that if it's real that it's terrible. In fact there's a pain in my right arm right now that I'm worried is a blood clot. Is it swollen, hot, bruised, purple, or have any other signs of a clot? No, but this is the way my mind works!!!!!!!! It's so exhausting to live like this everyday.

I just truly hope and pray that all of us are able to conquer our anxieties. The first step is acknowledging that we have anxiety and we've already come this far by joining this forum and sharing our stories. I know I will probably not be able to overcome it completely for a long time but I know that at least I am not alone. :blush:

14-06-13, 12:22
hello i dont think anyone worries how many times you post on here thats why this forum is up and about. its good you are healthy it will make a big difference to your life and well being. how bad are the headaches do they go with a pain killer, you really need to ask for an mri, as this would show any issues and put your mind at rest, dont be fobbed off if you truley feel there is something then follow your instincts blessing

14-06-13, 12:39
As you say it stems from fear of dying or so my psychiatrist says anyway. He also says that's the core of my "onion" and until I can overcome it I will continue to torture myself. He says "your anxiety is such that you are in a state of torture 24 hours a day even when you are asleep" Then he says stuff like "you are wasting your time being scared of dying because you have let your health anxiety take over you life to the point where you are already dead" He's a pretty uplifting type of guy. :D

I can relate to everything you say. I hope we both feel better soon.

So over it. The anxiety not you. :winks:

14-06-13, 12:53
Thanks guys :) swajj - yes I hope you feel better soon too! I'm over it too, I feel like this death anxiety really stops me from actually LIVING!

I know about the MRI I have mentioned this to the doctor before but he really doesn't believe it's necessary. I am not sure if I should wait things out a little bit longer to see how I am feeling for the next few weeks and then perhaps pursue that option. I get anxious thinking it could be something bad but then I also feel like I need to place some trust in the medical community even though I never have traditionally trusted doctors that much. The headaches sometimes go with a painkiller, but sometimes not - I don't know if this is indicative of something bad?

I don't know really know what to do at this point, my doctor is telling me that exercise will calm me and make me feel a lot better so maybe I should just try that and see how it goes? I worry about it being something bad still but then my doctor says if the pain was indicative of something bad, it would've happened already (considering the pain was going on for 3 weeks).

I think of course anxiety could have been causing my dizziness and exacerbating things. I am not 100% of course but I suppose it makes sense. Anyways, we'll see how it goes but for now I am going to just try to remain as calm and collected about it as possible.

14-06-13, 12:58
I would wait on the MRI. My doctor is against tests that aren't absolutely necessary. I wanted a brain scan for headaches and he said that I shouldn't be exposing myself to radiation unless it was absolutely necessary. You sound like you have all the symptoms of health anxiety. The mind is a wicked, wicked thing.

14-06-13, 13:03
Hi, I too can relate to everything you say so you have my sympathy. However, we have to learn to trust our doctor and put our faith in them. I too have irrational health fears...I know they are irrational but my anxiety still goes sky high. Yes it is exhausting to live like this and its a miserable existence. If you cant trust what they tell you why bother going to see them in the first place? I'm not criticizing you in anyway, because i'm the same, but in order to start trying to tackle the HA you need to find a doctor that you trust and have faith in and try to trust what he/she says. I'm working on doing that also and it is helping. I started by laying all my cards on the table and telling the doctor my deepest fears and admitting that I knew these fears were irrational. Even hearing yourself say it will will help to put it into context. First and foremost we have a mental health issue regarding our health. Therefore we are not the right person to judge when something is physically wrong. Leave that to the doctors! Hope this helps.

14-06-13, 13:03
I never thought about the radiation! That makes a lot of sense and you are totally right, the mind can play awful tricks on our bodies and make us think the worst is happening to us when it's not. My doctor seems to be the same way. I suppose I have to remember sometimes that even if I've had bad experiences with doctors in the past, that not all doctors are incompetent or uncaring and most really do know what they're talking about and want to look out for us - it's their job after all.

violet12 - i agree so much with everything you say! and about how we have a mental health issue regarding our health and are not the right person to judge when something is physically wrong. I need to remember that I am NOT a doctor and I cannot diagnose myself through Google, WebMD or anything else like that. I've only just started seeing my new doctor but she has fantastic qualifications and I have to just to trust that she knows what she's talking about - she's been treating people for years and has probably seen everything. I think what gets me is reading horror stories on the Daily Mail (I know, I know...) about people who went to their doctor and weren't taken seriously, but really ended up having life-threatening diseases, etc...but those people are NOT me and who even knows if those stories are true!!

14-06-13, 13:12
poppy everything you have had, I have had. If I listed all of the things I've thought I've had it would be a very boring read. So let me just go back over the last two week.
brain tumour
enlarged heart
I showed my doctor the veins on my hands because they were so pronounced I was sure that it had to be something sinister. He responded by showing me his. They looked the same as mine.

If you like then next week or the week after I will post my new list. I'm just waiting for my ectopics and chest pain to pass so I can get my new symptoms. :D

I'm laughing but not really joking. And I'm crying on the inside. :hugs:

14-06-13, 13:18
swajj - you sound like my identical twin. Last week/this week I've diagnosed myself with: MS, Scleroderma, Aneurysm, brain tumor and brain clot, not to mention the chest and muscle pains which I haven't managed to fully pin down yet :winks:

everyday i feel like crying on the inside...when i'm not crying on the outside!

we'll get through it somehow :hugs:

14-06-13, 13:24
Oh yes did the Aneurysm thing and a few weeks ago I had blood clot in the leg. For goodness sake I got a small pain in the back of my calf and my mind went "oh oh blood clot". I haven't heard of Scleroderma before but now that I have I'm sure I'll get the symptoms of that.

Yes we'll get through it poppy. I bought two Claire Weekes books on ebay. I'm waiting for them to come in the post. So many people here recommend them and how can so many people be wrong?


14-06-13, 13:30
I think its important that we are able to laugh at ourselves. I jokingly said to my sister the other day that if my surgery had the facility for booking appointments online i'd book them all so I'd be sure to get an appointment when I needed one! If we didn't laugh we'd cry! What a way to live our lives!

Poppy..my therapist told me to stay away from the Daily Mail....its not helpful and we all know how the press twists things! Like I said...and you know it too...the first step in overcoming this is to trust your doctor!

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

Yes we'll get through it poppy. I bought two Claire Weekes books on ebay. I'm waiting for them to come in the post. So many people here recommend them and how can so many people be wrong?


I can highly recommend Claire Weekes. I recovered from a complete breakdown several years ago purely from reading her book.

14-06-13, 13:32
you guys are a lifesaver. i have to say i feel a million times better just after reading your supportive comments. I will look up Claire Weekes, I've never heard of her but I'm interested to do anything I can to manage this. Which books specifically do you recommend?

Yeah I would probably reserve an appointment for every day of the week just in case of an "emergency"! (i.e. sudden life threatening pain etc.) :wacko: I really feel pathetic sometimes. When I was at the hospital last week after my ER visit I actually sat in the hospital lounge for like 3 hours thinking "ok, if I have a stroke at least I'll be in the hospital so they can treat it right away" how twisted am I!!

I think I need to stay away from not just the Daily Mail but from pretty much all news at this point. Even the tiniest mention of something in the news will set me off.

14-06-13, 13:38
I love the way you think violet. I'd been booking all the appointments too.:roflmao: I always joke that I have a permanent seat in my doctor's waiting room because I'm there so often. Yes, looking forward to getting the books. :)

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:03 ----------

I haven't been to the ER since January. Although the day before yesterday I told my husband I thought I needed to go because my heart rate was so high. Mind you I am banned by my psych from taking my pulse. I managed to pull myself together and stopped taking my pulse. So no ER visit for now.

Mr m anxious
14-06-13, 16:31
Poppi your story is almost identical to mine, my ha started one morning in December when I got up. I was drinking coffee and I went dizzy then started palpitations, and now I'm left with symptoms like yours.

14-06-13, 16:48
Hi, isn't it crazy how it just starts one day out of the blue! I have no idea what triggered mine all I know is I woke up in the morning and I felt awful just like you say. I'm sorry you are dealing with this too, it sucks.

Mr m anxious
14-06-13, 20:03
Yeah it does, I think the best result would be that months of constant tension hs caused are aches and pains. If only my muscles would relax through the day when just maybe I could start to recover, but until that happens then I'm just stuck in this anxiety roundabout, why can't I believe my doctor when she says it all tension through anxiety!