View Full Version : waiting anxiously for x ray results

14-06-13, 12:18
Waiting for x ray results week t ten days they said ugh. Im convinced its lung cancer and don't even know if I can trust the x ray bcas of stuff I read wer tumours were missed on x rays. Also I would just like some opinions got the x ray on Tuesday do you think if they seen something hugely wrong(like a tumour) they would have rang me by now? Also still have cough and pains getting me down big time.

14-06-13, 21:24
yes they would have rang by now.

they dont scan your chest and leave it a few days before looking at it.
they do the xray and someone the same day (if available) will look at it. they will then tell GP straight away if something is up.

15-06-13, 00:54
Thank you that makes me feel a bit better actually. Just worried that if I have a tumor or somtin they might miss it cas there was a good bit abou that sort of stuff on Google.

15-06-13, 16:28
If there was something sinister on your x ray they would call you straight away, I know someone who was rang 3 hours later and asked to go back to the hospital. I have to remind myself of this whenever I am waiting for test results, I always think the worst. Let us know how you go on .

15-06-13, 16:36
Thank you. God I just left a new post now iv two beside eachother on the top im gonna look like such a moaner!!