View Full Version : please help

04-10-06, 23:51
hi, i just need to know if anyone else gets this or if i have issues. i get this thing that i call "nothingness"or "spaceness" it's where I think about the fact that we cant see the air and are just walking about in nothing, thats what causes the spaceness because theres nothing i think about the space there is in the room, like between me and the walls or me and the ceiling. some times i can feel it when i have my eyes closed. the fact that we cant see the air and are walking about in nothing really scares me. does anyone else get these thoughts or feelings? PLEASE HELP but please be honest. Michelle x x x.

"Everything's good in the end, if it's not good, it's not the end!!!"

05-10-06, 00:18

I get a feeling of out of body experiences sometimes, if that is similar I don't know! I can watch myself doing things but have no control or interest! nothing seems real!! Have come home and looked at my clothing and it takes extreme effort to remember how certain stains got there!
